Photographer: Michael Nagle/Bloomberg
Short selling has worked well over the last two weeks. The week ahead is options expiration week (OPEX). Both this week and the following one have been bearish in the past, more so at this point in the election year cycle.
This screen rates stocks by seasonality and by relative strength. The screen has been inverted to reveal the potentially weakest stocks in order to identify short sale selections.
These stocks are likely to be the weakest.
Dentsply Sirona has weak relative strength and June is the second weakest month of the year next to August. The stock has fallen about 55% of the time in June. The bearish weekly cycle has been correct in all six cases. Price may reach $34-$35.
Dentsplay Sirona Dai
These shares are due to decline.
Dentsply Sirona Weekly Cycle
This cycle points down.
Ebay has weak relative strength. The daily, weekly, and the monthly cycles are all in decline. The weekly cycle has been correct on sell signals in all eight cases in the last year. The 14th has been the weakest day of the month showing an average loss of 2%. The shares are likely to fall to $40.
Ebay Daily Graph
This weak stock has further to fall.
Ebay Weekly Cycle
No low is expected until late June.