Here’s today’s Wordle answer #357 plus a helpful hint.
Saturday is one of the few days of the week that uses a Roman god’s name instead of a Germanic/Norse god’s name as its root. Saturday—Saturn’s day. Saturn was a god of agriculture.
In Norwegian, Saturday is lørdag, which translates to ‘bath day’ which is fairly self-explanatory. If anyone gives you crap about needing to take a shower just tell them you’re perfectly civilized, as were the Vikings, and you’re merely waiting for lørdag to take a bath.
While you’re bathing, maybe hop on your phone and do today’s Wordle. I guarantee it’s a fitting word for a bath.
Let’s take a look shall we?
Today’s Wordle #357 Hint & Answer
Spoilers oh spoilers there are spoilers ahead! If you’re not warned then you’ll surely be dead! The spoilers, oh the spoilers, they’re coming for you! If you got spoiled well I know you’d be blue!
That’s why I’m warning you, that’s why I’m here. To warn you of spoilers so you feel no fear! These spoilers, oh these spoilers, they’re laying in wait! But you don’t have to worry because I’m so great!
First, a hint: A very famous Mother.
And the answer is . . . .
Today’s Wordle answer
It’s been a while since we’ve had an animal word. I honestly can’t remember the last one. This was a little tricky, no doubt, and there was one guess left over that I luckily didn’t guess first: noose.
My first guess, trial, was unlucky according to Wordle. It left me with 218 out of 2,309 possible solutions. I disagree. It eliminated a lot of letters and since I had free reign to guess my second word with a clean slate, I was able to guess chose and get the last three letters in green.
That all went lickity-split but then things got a bit trickier. I was left with ose and kept thinking of words that made the ‘o’ long and the ‘s’ sound like a ‘z’ (like prose) and I had to actively tell my brain to stop pronouncing it that way before I stumbled on moose. With four correct letters, and forgetting about such unpleasant things as nooses, I was quite certain goose would be correct. I was right.
And hey, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. I am the gander. The gander stands alone.
Have a great Saturday, chitlins. May the Force of others be with you!