Here’s today’s Wordle solution plus a helpful hint.
Time sure does fly when you’re doing Wordles.
It’s April 30th, the last day of the month. Tomorrow it’ll be May. The month of May is named after the Roman goddess Maia, a nature deity. That’s fitting for the season. Spring started all the way back in March, but it’s not until late April and May that the world really comes alive again.
Look how lovely the trees in our front yard are right now, as the blossoms burst forth:
It’s honestly a little breathtaking whenever I go outside right now. Pink seems to fill the air. A woman parked out front of our house today in her silver SUV and you could barely tell it was silver. It looked pink.
In any case, the end of the month, the beginning of a new one, but no matter. Wordle is here for us on the daily. Let’s take a look at today’s word. It’s a good one!
Today’s Wordle #315 Answer and Hint
Naturally, be forewarned: Spoilers follow.
But first, a hint: Somewhere between egg and adult, some creatures have this phase.
And the answer is . . .
Wordle answer 315
See? Great word today! I probably got to it this quick because of Elden Ring. There’s an item in the game that allows you to ‘respec’ your character called a Larval Tear. I almost made this today’s hint but it was a little obscure.
In any case, as promised in yesterday’s guide, I chose the word crawl to kick things off today. Wordle Bot wasn’t too fond of the choice, but it got me three letters in yellow which I think is pretty good. Crane would not have gotten me the ‘L’ after all.
Rails didn’t do much other than give me a green ‘A’ and a pretty good sense of where the ‘L’ and ‘R’ would probably end up, leading directly to large as my third guess. Wordle Bot approved of this guess informing me that it, too, would have guessed large. Sure buddy. Copy cat.
From here there was apparently only one solution remaining and I guessed it. Larva for the win!
Enjoy your last day of April, dear readers. As the Starks might say, if they were less dour, summer is coming.
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