Here’s today’s Wordle #287 solution plus a helpful hint.
Thank goodness, April Fool’s Day is over and we can get back to normal fake news and normal lies and deceit!
April is just getting started and I, for one, am excited for warmer weather, sunshine and all the perks of spring, like cherry and crabapple trees in full blossom and no more snow.
Three full months into the year and Wordle continues chugging along, a wildly popular little diversion and conversation starter that’s captured the attention of just about everyone, even people who never played puzzle games like this before.
I play every day and often hop over to some other spinoffs like Dordle (see my list of recommendations here).
You can also check out my tips & tricks guide here, and my take on the very best starting word.
Today’s Wordle #287 Answer & Hint
Okay, you know what comes next: A spoiler warning! Following this warning I’ll give one hint for today’s word and then reveal the answer. You’ve been warned!
The Hint: Common or overused to the point where something is instantly recognizable as part of a genre or topic.
The answer is . . . .
Wordle #287 Solution
I went with Steam for my starting word, I guess because I was playing some PC games today and was in my Steam account and the word has a lot of great, common starting letters in it. It’s actually a pretty good first guess and it paid off with two yellows.
Entry juggled the ‘E’ and the ‘T’ but both still ended up yellow. I got a yellow ‘R’ as well, and eliminated ‘N’ and ‘Y’ which made me fairly certain that the word would end in ‘E’ and start with ‘T’. I could have been wrong, but the instinct was definitely on point this time and my next guess, much to my surprise, was all green.
Not bad! I enjoy getting a win like this from time to time. Sometimes I’ve narrowed it down enough to feel pretty certain but this time I just picked the first word I came to that had the ‘T’ and ‘E’ where I wanted them. Having eliminated a lot of good letters certainly helped.
Happy Saturday, Wordlers! Hope your weekend is amazing!
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