Salman Rushdie Stabbing Suspect Praised Iran’s Khomeini — Here’s What We Know About Hadi Matar


Hadi Matar, the 24-year-old man suspected of stabbing Salman Rushdie onstage last week, praised Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini–the Iranian leader who called for Rushdie’s death more than 30 years ago–during a Wednesday jailhouse interview.

Key Facts

Matar said he has “respect” for Khomeini and described Iran’s former Supreme Leader as a “great person,” he told the New York Post Wednesday during a virtual interview from the Chautauqua County Jail.

The New Jersey native declined to say if he was inspired to attack Rushdie based on Khomeni’s 1989 fatwa, or Islamic ruling, which called for Rushdie to be killed after he wrote and published The Satanic Verses, a controversial novel partially based on the life of Muhammued, the Islamic prophet (Mater told the newspaper his lawyer advised against commenting).

Matar told the Post he only read “a couple of pages” of Rushdie’s book, but said based on watching his lectures online he doesn’t think the author is “a very good person,” saying Rushdie “attacked Islam” and Muslims’ beliefs.


Matar’s mother has reportedly disowned him over the stabbing allegations. “I’m done with him,” Silvana Fardos told the New York Times. She confirmed that Matar returned from a 2018 trip to the Middle East “reclusive and increasingly focused” on Islam, according to the newspaper. Matar was born and raised in New Jersey, but his parents are from Lebanon.

Key Background

Matar pleaded not guilty to charges of attempted murder and assault. He’s next scheduled to appear in court on Friday. He is accused of jumping onstage as Rushdie prepared to give a lecture on writers in exile and stabbing the author around 10 times. On Sunday, Rushdie’s camp said that while he remains in critical condition, the author is “on the road to recovery.” He was taken off a ventilator and has communicated with his family. Rushdie is the fifth person involved in publishing The Satanic Verses to have been violently attacked.

Further Reading

Salman Rushdie attacker praises Iran’s ayatollah, surprised author survived: jailhouse interview (New York Post)

‘I’m Done With Him’: A Mother’s Anger Over Rushdie Attack (New York Times)

Salman Rushdie Attack: Author Speaking And Off Ventilator As Suspect’s Father Refuses Questions In Lebanon (Forbes)

Suspect In Salman Rushdie Stabbing Charged With Attempted Murder — Latest In History Of Attacks Against Those Involved In ‘The Satanic Verses’ (Forbes)

Author Salman Rushdie Attacked Onstage In New York (Forbes)
