Risc Zero launches the first Zero zkEVM

RISC Zero has announced the launch of the first Zero zkEVM. It is an open-source way dedicatedly designed for developers who are looking to construct their projects for the next generation. It takes Web3 a step forward, paves the way for upcoming decentralized applications, and puts assurance that the ecosystem has a lot to cheer for in the days to come.

Zero zkEVM has been built on RISC Zero zkVM and Bonsai. It reused the parts of reth and revm. Features sported by RISC Zero zkEVM now include scalability, performance efficiency, and upgradability.

To unlock the most important aspects, Zero zkEVM aims to deliver performance and efficiency to developers. Plans are in the pipeline that the future improvements will bring down per transaction proof costs. Estimates have it that the cost will be less than a single cent. Until then, developers can access the efficiency of completing Ethereum Blocks in less than 12 minutes. It would earlier take hours, but the time has been sliced, literally, by RISC Zero.

A hidden feature rolled out by the launch is democratizing zkEVM. It is now convenient if developers choose to build on Zeth. Some of the projects that are likely to come up include light clients, zk rollups, bridges, and zkEVMs. Developers will leverage the open-source solution to generate zk proofs of Ethereum blocks and EVM.

Protocols will now have zk integrated into their mechanism faster than before. It would take developers years to conclude the integration. That time has been brought down to weeks. The time will majorly depend on the size of the project, its complexities, and how well-equipped developers are to perform the function.

Developers have key access to the ability to upgrade the codebase. Zeth has been fundamentally architected on RISC Zero zkEVM in Rust. Hence, the seamless capability of upgrading the project is a possibility. The team behind the development has termed it as the perfect foundation for future zk projects.

RISC Zero is eyeing to include Proof of Consensus by granting an extension to Zeth. Meaning more efforts will be invested following a decent response from the community. Assuming that goes on for the next couple of months, there will be the establishment of PoC to enable users to fully sync with the Layer1 functionality of Ethereum. This will happen after they have performed verification on STARK proof. The process has been called The Verge by Vitalik Buterin.

Zeth is a Type zero zkEVM for one major reason: it can prove all aspects of Ethereum. This includes EVM opcode and EIPs for the construction of the block on the network. RISC Zero has credited the initial success of this launch to the reused parts of reth and revm. Their deployment on top of RISC Zero zkEVM has pushed the boundaries for the community, with members now pursuing the greater good innovatively.

Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/risc-zero-launches-the-first-zero-zkevm/