Retail Cannabis Often Less Potent Than Advertised, Study Suggests


The potency of some cannabis products sold by legal retailers may be lower than what is reported on the label, according to a study released Wednesday, as researchers say a discrepancy in labeling could negatively affect the multi-billion-dollar industry.

Key Facts

Researchers from the University of Northern Colorado analyzed 23 samples of cannabis flower from 10 dispensaries in Colorado and found that 16 (70%) samples had at least 15% lower concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)—the molecule that causes cannabis’ psychoactive effects—than advertised.

The reported potency varied between products, researchers said, as THC content differed from advertised levels by as much as nearly 55% in one sample and as little as 13% in another.

The study suggests a discrepancy in THC values could be caused by a lack of standardized testing for potency, limited government oversight and possible financial incentives to advertise higher-potency products.

Researchers called on dispensaries to sell products with more accurate labeling, as inaccurate labels could impact sales and possibly harm consumers.

Big Number

$33 billion. That’s the projected total sales of recreational and medical cannabis in the U.S. in 2022. Of this, $1.7 billion came from sales in Colorado, which became the first state to offer legal recreational marijuana sales almost a decade ago, according to state records.

What To Watch For

More than 20 states have legalized recreational marijuana, a number that continues to grow. A bill expanding Iowa’s medical marijuana program while also legalizing recreational use for adults was introduced in February, as similar bills have been introduced in Minnesota and Ohio. If those three states legalize marijuana, 24 states in the U.S. will allow recreational marijuana use, while dozens of others have decriminalized low-level possession offenses.

Key Background

More young adults are consuming cannabis in recent years, as a study published by the National Institutes of Health indicates 43% of people aged 19 to 30 used marijuana in 2021, an increase of 34% over the previous five years. An August 2022 Gallup poll also found that marijuana use reached an all-time high, exceeding tobacco’s popularity. Despite this, the health effects of using cannabis products have not been as closely monitored as smoking tobacco. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention say smoking marijuana could lead to an increased risk of stroke, heart disease, other vascular diseases and could also harm lung tissues and cause scarring and damage to blood vessels. A small study also suggested emphysema and airway inflammation were more common among marijuana smokers than cigarette smokers. Another study, which analyzed health data from 175,000 people, found that daily cannabis use could result in an increased risk of heart disease.

Further Reading

Marijuana Use Could Increase Chances For Heart Disease, Study Suggests (Forbes)

Smoking Marijuana Is More Likely To Cause Emphysema Than Cigarettes, Study Suggests (Forbes)
