Rebranding exercise underway for Twitter

Elon Musk is turning his ideas into action by going in for a rebranding exercise on Twitter. The most familiar blue bird logo is going to be exchanged for the alphabet X. This will signify the fact that from here on, Twitter will be recognized as an application that will be offering multiple services under one roof. The platform will take into consideration matters related to online banking, right through to video messaging, all for the convenience of users. 

It would not be amiss to somehow connect the concept with the WeChat application in China, which is home to almost every kind of service conceivable. In the logo, the bird will be exchanged for an X, and the color scheme will go from blue to black. This will be in tune with the billionaire owner’s vision. To reinforce the idea, the CEO of Twitter, Linda Yaccarino, tweeted the fact that X will stand for the platform performing every task possible. 

As the two sides to a coin, there is general discontent among a segment of crypto Twitter users who do not seem to be one with the rebranding exercise. Their opinion may have more significance than expected, as the crypto community is responsible for posting one billion tweets on crypto from 2020 to 2022. Some opinions point towards the familiarity factor and the subsequent comfort zone the Twitter brand has created. Alongside are the lot who feel the branding exercise may be the need of the hour, but in their viewpoint, the X factor could be restricted to a crypto wallet to be utilized for spending and tip platform builders.  

According to information released by the Musk camp, the promotional budget of Twitter has witnessed a decline to the tune of 50%. Therefore, whatever branding exercise is undertaken will require an immense amount of forethought and afterthought. It is well known that Elon Musk has an affinity for the alphabet X. It is the name accorded to the third electric car model of Texla, as well as his spaceflight company which goes by the name SpaceX.
