Rating from AskGrowers.com – Cryptopolitan

All plants are products of nature, so they respond to their environment’s prevailing elements. Thus, the soil you use is one of the principal factors affecting your cannabis cultivation, from germination to harvest. Moreover, soil quality influences your plants’ bud potency. To be beneficial to the fullest degree, your soil needs proper nutrient ratios, pH balance, and materials for successful cannabis cultivation.

Choosing the optimal soil to grow your cannabis depends on your region’s climate, whether you want to grow it indoors or outdoors, and the type of weed you want to plant. So, what soil is ideal for cultivating healthy feminized cannabis seeds? Remain on this page to learn more. 

Pros and Cons of Growing Weed in Soil

Let’s examine the benefits and shortcomings of growing your cannabis in the soil before exploring the various available soil types. 


  • Accommodative. Soil protects your plants against nutrient imbalances and pH fluctuations, allowing even rookies to grow feminized weed seeds in a conducive environment.  
  • A natural environment. Feminized cannabis seeds can grow in any natural soil worldwide, making it the best medium for those seeking to do organic cannabis farming. 
  • Abundant nutrients. High-quality soil offers an excellent nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium mixture that supports healthy plant growth.
  • Sustainable. Natural soil is an environment-friendly and renewable resource.
  • Cheap. Soil is cost-effective and readily available from all garden centers if you don’t have a good source in your backyard.


  • Slower growth. While cannabis thrives in soil, its growth is slower than in other media, such as coco coir and hydroponics.
  • Pests and diseases. Unless you take precautions, soil can contain pests and pathogens, requiring more proactive measures to prevent and treat.
  • Less control. You may have less precise control over nutrient availability and pH levels. If not handled well, it could interfere with your plants’ overall harvest and potency.
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Types of Soils for Growing Marijuana 

You already know the two sides of the coin when growing your cannabis in soil. This section covers the soil categories you can use to grow healthy feminized cannabis seeds because cannabis can grow in many soil types. Getting the correct soil type ensures your seeds flourish and produce loads of trichomes, THC, and CBD. Your chosen soil must contain the following variables:

  • Proper drainage to ensure it doesn’t make a pool on its top for more than several seconds and doesn’t take long before draining out the bottom.
  • Excellent water retention that holds water well without getting muddy.
  • The correct nitrogen-to-phosphorus ratio.
  • The correct fungi-to-bacteria balance. Remember, a slight skew to the spectrum’s fungal side is fine because cannabis loves slightly acidic soil.
  • Soil pH of 6.
  • Dark and rich external appearance.
  • Loose texture for effective drainage.

Below are the top natural soils you can use to grow your cannabis outdoors and indoors. 


Sandy soil is coarse and drains well but has poor water retention and a low pH. After watering, nutrients such as nitrogen may quickly get washed away. This option is easy to work with and viable for cannabis growing.

  • Pros. Soil has excellent drainage, aerates soil well, has high oxygen levels, and it’s easy to work with.
  • Cons. It has poor water retention, prompting frequent watering.


It is medium-coarse soil rich in minerals and organic particles. It has excellent water retention. Working with silty soil is a breeze. Its minerals and organic substances make it a highly fertile soil category.

  • Pros. It has many minerals and nutrients and retains water well.
  • Cons. Fair drainage.


Loam is the best soil mix for cultivating healthy feminized cannabis seeds indoors and outdoors. It combines other soils, such as silt, sand, and clay. This combination gives you the best of different soils. Its optimal ratio is usually 20% clay, 40% silt, and 40% sand. Moreover, it has optimal water retention and drainage. It’s also rich in nutrients and oxygen.

When intending to grow your cannabis in loam, we recommend measuring its acidity using readily available test kits. Alternatively, take soil samples to a trusted agriculture extension officer or agent. If tests indicate that your soil lacks the correct acidity levels, soil amendments are available. You can use them to lower or increase your soil’s pH levels. Your local extension agent can also make valuable suggestions on the matter. 

Loam is perfect for growing marijuana in containers and outdoors. However, it can be one of the most expensive buys if you don’t have it readily available in your backyard. But if you are serious about getting long-term dividends, paying this financial price shouldn’t scare you. 

You may also build your loam soil by adding organic matter to it. If you have a compost bin, use it to improve the soil. This process needs time because it’s ongoing, but if you remain determined and focused, it pays off in the long term.

  • Pros. It has excellent water retention and drainage, many essential nutrients, and high oxygen levels.
  • Cons. It’s expensive.


Clay soil comprises fine mineral particles. This soil is heavy, and working with it isn’t easy. Fortunately, it is rich in nutrients and minerals, making it ideal for including in organic cannabis cultivation. Clay holds water well but has poor drainage.

  • Pros. It’s rich in nutrients and retains water.
  • Cons. Poor drainage, heavy and compact, difficulty to work with.

Improve Cannabis Soil Quality: Case Study of Ice Cream Runtz 

The chances of working with soil that isn’t ideal for cannabis, at least from the beginning, are high. For instance, its texture might not be optimal or have poor drainage. Fortunately, all isn’t lost because you can amend the soil and grow healthy feminized marijuana seeds. 

Let’s consider the way you can improve your harvests with soil adjustments on the example of Ice Cream Runtz feminized seeds. Since these seeds are pretty vulnerable to soil inconsistencies, here are some options for improving the plants’ health and maximizing the harvest.  

Coco Coir

Coco coir (coco fiber) comes from coconut husks. These light fibers offer excellent water retention and lighten compact soils. You may utilize a pure coco substrate with special nutrients to grow your Ice Cream Runtz seeds. However, we recommend adding up to 30% coco coir to amend your soil. Please note that the amendment solely depends on your base soil’s composition.

Resource: https://askgrowers.com/seeds/ice-cream-runtz-seeds-feminized 

Worm Castings

Worm castings are nutritional soil amendments because they contain many useful microorganisms to boost feminized marijuana seed growth. However, they enhance soil texture, drainage, and water retention. We recommend using about 25 to 30% of worm castings to enhance your soil and boost its quality.

Clay Pebbles

Most hydroponic cannabis farmers are acquainted with these pebbles. You can also use them to improve your soil structure. You may add them to the bottom of your elevated containers and beds. Clay pebbles promote drainage and stop water from collecting at bases. Remember, water pooling at these bases can cause root rot. 

You may add these pebbles to your containers with Ice Cream Runtz seeds and beds’ tops to act as mulching. They trap moisture in the growing medium by blocking excessive evaporation. Additionally, the stones shade your soil’s top layer to suppress weed growth and shield beneficial microbes from hot sun rays. 


This heat-treated mineral lightens your soil and boosts its water-retaining power. It increases your soil’s drainage and aeration. You may also use it alongside perlite. 


You can use fertilizers to stabilize your cannabis grow soil, but their type depends on your soil’s initial fertility and region. If you need to improve your cannabis soil using nutrients, you may easily buy bottled solutions tailored to your plants’ growth stage. 

We recommend adding fertilizers only when it’s necessary. Some inexperienced growers mess up things by adding manure and vegetable scraps to their soil to fertilize it. Unfortunately, the soil gets too hot for their plants, harming their overall development. If you must use vegetable scraps, only use them in an outdoor garden after composting them. 


Perlite is one of the most commonly used soil boosters. It comprises light, bright-white rocks that boost soil’s aeration and drainage. It has a decent water retention level. You may add 10% to 15% of perlite to your soil to enhance it. Overdoing it lightens your soil and causes nutrients to leach out. Most high-quality commercial soils contain perlite. 

Parting Shot

You are abreast of all you need to know about the best soil for growing healthy feminized cannabis weed plants. Use this information to improve your soil for better cannabis cultivation, and your yields are sure to improve. Good luck!

The article was written by Lana Braslavskaia, an expert and advocate of the cannabis industry. Lana examines and tests various cannabis consumption modes and shares her finds with users who only plan to start their cannabis cultivation hobby or experience any difficulties on the way. 

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/the-best-soil-for-growing-healthy-feminized-weed-plants-rating-from-askgrowers-com/