‘QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley Released Early From Prison After Jan. 6 Conviction


Jacob Chansley—whose horned fur hat, American flag face paint and bare chest made him one of the most recognizable Jan. 6 rioters—was released from prison and sent to a halfway house earlier than scheduled this week, which some right-wing figures are celebrating as a victory following a push for his release.

Key Facts

Federal Bureau of Prisons spokesman Scott Taylor said Chansley was moved Tuesday from his low-level security prison in southeastern Arizona to a halfway house in Phoenix, where he will be released May 25.

Chansley—who also went by “Jake Angeli” and was known as the “QAnon Shaman”—was set for a July release following his 2021 guilty plea for obstructing an official proceeding, after he joined the mob invading the Capitol and became one of a handful of rioters who stood at the presiding seat of the Senate Dais.

Chansley was first arrested and jailed days after the January 6 riot, and he was sentenced to 41 months in prison plus three years of supervised release in November 2021.

Scott noted in a statement that, “While we don’t discuss a specific inmate’s release method, we can share that an inmate may earn good conduct time.”

Chansley’s former attorney, Albert Watkins, applauded the move, saying in a statement: “It is appropriate this gentle and intelligent young man be permitted to move forward with the next stage of what undoubtedly will be a law abiding and enriching life.”

Prominent hard right figures like Donald Trump Jr. and Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) also celebrated Chansley’s release, with Biggs saying, “more has to be done for the others remaining in the DC Gulag.”

Key Background

Online right-wing communities rallied around calls for Chansley’s release recently, as former President Donald Trump grew more vocal in his criticism of the January 6 convictions and baselessly portrayed the hundreds of people arrested for rioting on January 6 as victims of political persecution. Selectively chosen video footage of the riot released by Fox News host Tucker Carlson also fueled calls for the release of Chansley and other rioters, with Carlson framing Chansley as a harmless Capitol visitor who followed police that acted as “his tour guides.” However, federal prosecutors have argued Chansley—who apologized for entering the Capitol—was the “public face” of the riot, and point to a menacing note that he left in the Senate chamber that read, “justice is coming.” Carlson’s portrayal of the attack on the Capitol as largely non-violent drew bipartisan condemnation in Washington but still convinced many online that Chansley and others were wrongfully detained. Twitter owner Elon Musk shared Carlson’s video earlier this month and added the message: “Free Jacob Chansley.” There’s no indication that this campaign was related to Chansley’s early release.

Chief Critic

Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) was among the Republicans denouncing Carlson’s depiction of January 6, calling it “bulls—.”


“Justice For All”—a recording of imprisoned January 6 rioters singing the “Star Spangled Banner” along with Trump saying the Pledge of Allegiance—recently topped some music charts, including hitting No. 1 on the Billboard sales chart.

Further Reading

Tucker Carlson Blasts McConnell And GOP Senators For Criticizing Cherry-Picked Jan. 6 Tapes: ‘Illusion Of Partisanship’ (Forbes)

Speaker McCarthy Gives Tucker Carlson 41,000 Hours Of Jan. 6 Footage (Forbes)

Elon Musk Joins Right-Wing Support For ‘QAnon Shaman’ Claiming Jan. 6 Footage ‘Misleading’ (Forbes)

Trump Hits No. 1 With ‘Justice For All’ Song Made With Jan. 6 Arrestees (Forbes)

Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/nicholasreimann/2023/03/30/qanon-shaman-jacob-chansley-released-early-from-prison-after-jan-6-conviction/