Prompt Engineering For Generative AI Gets Pumped Up Via Release Of Persistent Context Capabilities, Showcased By OpenAI’s New Custom Instructions ChatGPT Feature

In today’s column, I am going to continue my special coverage of some key new techniques and breakthroughs underlying prompt engineering when using generative AI. The latest and most notably significant advance is something that I generically refer to as persistent context capabilities, popularly also known as custom instructions and was recently announced and released as a new feature of ChatGPT.

A tidal wave of generative AI users will undoubtedly and inevitably adopt persistent context capabilities such as the custom instructions feature, no doubt about this. I will examine and highlight closely the custom instructions functionality of ChatGPT so that you’ll have a strident understanding of what these capabilities consist of and how to best leverage them in your ongoing daily prompt engineering endeavors.

Before diving into the details, I’ve got two famous and quite pertinent quotes for you to contemplate.

Let’s try this first one on for size: “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 

That is a highly memorable and exceedingly popular quote by the legendary George Santayana, a Spanish-American philosopher and poet. I think we can all readily grasp the vital notion that was expressed. It seems exceedingly sensible and altogether smart to remember the past versus allowing the past to be slipped away into nothingness and ostensibly forgotten. We can all hopefully learn useful lessons from what happened in the past.

Moving on, the second quote is perhaps not as well-known but nonetheless carries a powerful punch: “Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use.”

This remarkable quote is attributed to Wendell Johnson, the eminent American psychologist and author. Exhibiting a bit of clever whimsy, there are several distinguished messages hidden within. One worthy meaning is that you should mindfully choose the words that you opt to use. Another is that you can be on thin ice when proclaiming that something always happens, or asserting that something never ever happens. In the first instance, a disruptive force might break the streak of an assumed always-occurring phenomenon. For the second instance, all you need is for the thing that never happens to arise just once, and, presto, you’ve broken the emptiness pledge.

I’d ask you to keep those two noteworthy quotes in mind.

As you will soon see, they each offer great utility for the topic that I am going to examine.

Prompt Engineering Is A Cornerstone For Generative AI

As a quick backgrounder, prompt engineering or also referred to as prompt design is a rapidly evolving realm and is vital to effectively and efficiently using generative AI. Anyone using generative AI such as the widely and wildly popular ChatGPT by AI maker OpenAI, or akin AI such as GPT-4 (OpenAI), Bard (Google), Claude 2 (Anthropic), etc. ought to be paying close attention to the latest innovations for crafting viable and pragmatic prompts.

For those of you interested in prompt engineering or prompt design, I’ve been doing an ongoing series of insightful looks at the latest in this expanding and evolving realm, including the leveraging of multi-personas in generative AI (see the link here), the advent of chain-of-thought approaches (see the link here), use of in-model learning and vector databases (see the link here), and additional coverage including an inspection of the use of macros and the use of end-goal planning when using generative AI (see the link here).

The use of generative AI can altogether succeed or falter based on the prompt that you enter.

If you provide a prompt that is poorly composed, the odds are that the generative AI will wander all over the map and you won’t get anything demonstrative related to your inquiry. Being demonstrably specific can be advantageous, but even that can confound or otherwise fail to get you the results you are seeking. A wide variety of cheat sheets and training courses for suitable ways to compose and utilize prompts has been rapidly entering the marketplace to try and help people leverage generative AI soundly. In addition, add-ons to generative AI have been devised to aid you when trying to come up with prudent prompts, see my coverage at the link here.

AI Ethics and AI Law also stridently enter into the prompt engineering domain. For example, whatever prompt you opt to compose can directly or inadvertently elicit or foster the potential of generative AI to produce essays and interactions that imbue untoward biases, errors, falsehoods, glitches, and even so-called AI hallucinations (I do not favor the catchphrase of AI hallucinations, though it has admittedly tremendous stickiness in the media; here’s my take on AI hallucinations at the link here).

There is also a marked chance that we will ultimately see lawmakers come to the fore on these matters, possibly devising and putting in place new laws or regulations to try and scope and curtail misuses of generative AI. Regarding prompt engineering, there are likely going to be heated debates over putting boundaries around the kinds of prompts you can use. This might include requiring AI makers to filter and prevent certain presumed inappropriate or unsuitable prompts, a cringe-worthy issue for some that borders on free speech considerations. For my ongoing coverage of these types of AI Ethics and AI Law issues, see the link here and the link here, just to name a few.

With the above as an overarching perspective, we are ready to jump into today’s discussion.

Interactions That Consist Of Persistent Context

On an everyday basis, we make use of persistent context when chatting with our friends, families, colleagues, and the like.

Here’s what I mean.

You tell a friend of yours about a recent camping experience that you had. While out in the woods, you happened upon a bear that was up ahead of you on a desolate trail. You were unsure of what to do. Should you wave your arms and yell loudly to scare off the bear? Should you remain quiet as a mouse and slink away? Those life-determining thoughts danced through your noggin.

You ultimately decided to retreat since it seemed that the bear had not yet detected your presence. While making your retreat, you studiously looked over your shoulder to discern whether the bear was now going in your direction or still loitering innocently on the trail. Luckily, you got out of there without any direct encounter and lived to tell the tale of the time that you came somewhat face to face with a gnarly bear.

I’m sure that your friend found the tale quite engaging.

A week later, you and your friend get together at a local park in your neighborhood. A dog that is off its leash comes toward you and your friend. You blurt out that this seems reminiscent of your bear encounter. Your friend laughs in recognition of the similarity and announces that maybe you both should exercise a quiet retreat.

I realize that this might seem like an ordinary and mundane conversation and contains nothing worthy of rapt attention.

But let’s dig into this.

Your friend has recalled the tale you told of your encounter with a bear. The story you previously told is in a sense still in the memory of your friend. Furthermore, your friend recalled the memory and made use of it in the latest context involving the circumstances with the unleashed dog.

We could fruitfully refer to this as a persistent context capacity.

The friend has been established beforehand with a particular context that is persistent over the course of time. Also, the persistence of the context came to the fore and was used as part of an interaction taking place at a later time. You could suggest that the persistence lasted beyond just the moment at which you originally told the story. It has a persistent or lasting facility to it.

Consider what would happen if the persistent context was not at play here.

Suppose that you went to the park with a colleague from work. You had never told the bear story to your officemate. If you suddenly said that seeing the dog reminded you of your bear encounter, would the fellow worker know what you were talking about? Probably not. There had not been any prior context establishment.

Think of persistent context as consisting of these two factors:

  • (1) Establishment. You provide some establishing indication associated with a devised context.
  • (2) Invocation. Something later occurs that invokes or engages the earlier established context.

The handy thing about persistent context is that once you’ve established it, you can presumably always later on invoke it when needed. In the case of your friend, you possibly do not need to ever again tell them the story about your bear encounter per se, assuming that your friend has a good enough memory that they will permanently remember the tale.

I certainly don’t want to though create the impression that persistent context is necessarily flawless. Imagine that a year later you get together with your friend and go to a park. If somehow the prior tale comes up, it is quite possible that your friend will say that they “remember” the time that you had a harrowing experience with a wolf. Oops, your friend is misremembering your long-ago story. Worse still, the friend might have entirely forgotten your tale (friends carry no irrefutable obligation that they must remember every utterance you have ever made).

That’s enough about bears, dogs, and wolves.

I am betting that you are now wondering with grand puzzlement how any of this relates to generative AI.

Time to get on with the show.

Use Of Persistent Context Or Custom Instructions In Generative AI

When I use generative AI, I typically start nearly every new conversation with a few starter or establishment prompts to get the generative AI into a suitable or preferred context. A lot of people do the same. That being said, neophytes to generative AI are often unaware of the value of establishing context when using generative AI.

Making use of establishing prompts is an extraordinarily useful technique and one that you ought to ensure is in your prompt engineering repertoire. I might add, sadly, many aren’t aware of its intrinsic value and don’t use it or don’t know about it.

Allow me a moment to proffer an example of beneficially using establishing prompts.

I will often tell the generative AI to remain serious and not joke around in terms of interactions or when generating essays for me. I do this because sometimes generative AI can detect a random word in your prompts that gets it into a pattern-matched mode of switching into humor-related compositions. You might not have intended this. Perhaps in a prompt, you said that something was silly, which then spurred the generative AI to switch to telling jokes or being lighthearted when writing an essay for you.

By providing an establishing prompt at the start of a session, you can tell the generative AI that you only want serious outputs henceforth in the conversation. If you later on in a conversation want to override the establishing prompt, you can do so. You just tell the generative AI that it can for the next few interactions switch into a humor-oriented mode. This momentarily overrides your earlier establishing prompt.

Okay, so that’s the gist of starter or establishing prompts.

One big rub is that you typically need to do this each time you start a new session or conversation with the generative AI. Most generative AI apps will always start a new conversation in a clean and empty context. It is as though they’ve never seen or heard from you before. You get yourself a nice new sheet of paper, as it were.

Thus, you might find yourself having to laboriously type in a slew of handy starter instructions for the generative AI, doing so every darned time that you use the generative AI. Some people will write up their starter or establishing prompts into a text file and then do a copy and paste when they get going with a generative AI session. Of course, you need to know where that handy-dandy file is and must remember each time to go find it and do the copy-paste action. A pain in the neck, for sure.

Well, there is a (somewhat) brand-new feature coming to most generative AI apps that will help with this dilemma.

Welcome to the advent of persistent context in generative AI or that OpenAI refers to as custom instructions.

Generally, things go like this.

You can enter into a special place in the generative AI your preferred starter or establishing prompts. Henceforth, the generative AI will automatically invoke those starters or establish prompts for you. No need for you to search for that arcane file that contains your riches of starter or establishment prompts. Instead, this is a considered feature of the generative AI app.

Okay, you opt to do the setup of your custom instructions.

What happens next?

The aim is that the generative AI will refer to your establishment prompts during each of your interactive conversations. If you had done a setup that instructed the generative AI to be serious, this will now silently and behind the scenes be considered the default posture. You don’t need to repeat this over and over again. It is automatically invoked on your behalf each time that you use the generative AI.

The verbiage in the AI community is that this reduces the friction associated with using generative AI. The parlance is intended to note that having to each time enter your establishing prompts creates a kind of friction such that it makes using generative AI harder than it ought to be. The goal overall is to make the use of generative AI as frictionless as possible.

Smooth and seamless, that’s the mantra.

Voila, via persistent context or custom instructions you have a feature that will ease the pain of wanting to do establishing prompts. By doing the establishing prompts as a one-time heads-up setup, they will be forever available and utilized by the generative AI. You can see these as veritable customized instructions because they are custom as to whatever you prefer to indicate.

The sky is the limit, some insist.

Hold on, maybe there are limits and we ought to be a bit less cavalier on this.

For example, a lawyer that I know often instructs generative AI to be serious, take on a legal persona, get to the point, and always summarize any essays that the AI app produces. That is the lawyer’s preferred set of customizations or custom instructions.

One limitation that I had pointed out to my lawyer friend is that by and large those custom instructions or preferences can be obeyed by generative AI, but the legal persona aspect has a bit of a loophole to it.

Just because you tell generative AI to take on a legal persona as though it is acting as a lawyer, that doesn’t mean that the generative AI really can attain this. In fact, AI makers typically state in their licensing that their generative AI cannot act as a lawyer and that the use of their AI app for legal advice is problematic, possibly slipping into the territory of the unauthorized practice of law (UPL), see my discussion at the link here.

A rule of thumb then is that just because you tell the generative AI to always do something, such as setting this up as a starter or establishing a prompt, does not ironclad guarantee you that it will happen.

I’ll give you another example.

Suppose you instruct the generative AI to not hallucinate, not make any errors, and not generate any falsehoods. Researchers have tried doing this and tend to indicate that you will get varying results. Sometimes this remarkedly helps to cut down on those generative AI maladies. But the bulk of the time, it seems as though you cannot command your way around those maladies, and they will still occur, regardless of your custom instructions at the get-go.

I categorize custom instructions into two major buckets:

  • (a) Feasible custom instructions. Custom instructions or establishing prompts that the generative AI can feasibly utilize and abide by.
  • (b) Impossible custom instructions. Custom instructions or establishing prompts that the generative AI is unlikely to be able to fully utilize, for which your results might be out-of-whack with what you expected otherwise.

Now that I’ve laid the foundation for a persistent context or the use of custom instructions, we are ready to take a look at the newly announced and released custom instructions feature in ChatGPT.

ChatGPT Provides Custom Instructions Capability

OpenAI announced the release of their new custom instructions feature and provided various details on their blog website. I will be quoting excerpts from that website and using them during my analysis.

Here are some salient highlights posted on the OpenAI blog about custom instructions:

  • “Custom instructions allow you to add preferences or requirements that you’d like ChatGPT to consider when generating its responses.”
  • “ChatGPT will consider your custom instructions for every conversation going forward.”
  • “The model will consider the instructions every time it responds, so you won’t have to repeat your preferences or information in every conversation.”
  • “For example, a teacher crafting a lesson plan no longer has to repeat that they’re teaching 3rd grade science. A developer preferring efficient code in a language that’s not Python – they can say it once, and it’s understood. Grocery shopping for a big family becomes easier, with the model accounting for 6 servings in the grocery list.”

I trust that you can readily see from those excerpts that this is a feature for entering your starter or establishing prompts and then having those persist contextually throughout your use of the generative AI app.

Let’s take a look at one of the examples that they provided (based on the above-bulleted point about grocery shopping for a family of six).

Envision that you go to do the setup of your starter or establishing prompts. When doing so, let’s essentially assume that the generative AI asks you some questions or at least provides a spot for you to enter your establishing prompts, such as these for the grocery shopping example:

  • ChatGPT Question Asked Of You: “What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?”
  • Your Response Or Establishing Prompt: “I live in North Carolina with my four children and wife.”
  • ChatGPT Question Asked Of You: “How would you like ChatGPT to respond?”
  • Your Response Or Establishing Prompt: “When planning meals, consider that I need to cater to a family of six. Ensure that recipe recommendations are suitable for larger groups and offer meal options that can be easily scaled up.”

This example has the person indicating that they consist presumably of two adults and four children, thus consisting of a family of six people. There is admittedly a lot of other nuances and information that have been tossed into this establishing prompt such as they live in North Carolina, etc. I’ll get to that in a moment.

My hint for you is that you should be notably mindful and cautious of whatever you decide to put in your establishing prompts. More on that shortly.

The example continues by having the person ask ChatGPT to come up with a grocery list of what to get at the store. Specifically, they want to make pizza for their nighttime meal.

  • Your Prompt To ChatGPT: “What should I get at the store for pizza night?”
  • ChatGPT Generated Response (Custom Instructions enabled): “Great! Planning for pizza night is always fun. Here’s a shopping list for a pizza night for six people, assuming you’ll be making two large pizzas. Pizza Dough: (1) Bread flour – 1kg (enough for two large pizza doughs), (2) Dry yeast – 2 packets (14 grams) Sugar – small pack (you’ll need 4 teaspoons), (3) Olive oil – 1 small bottle (you’ll need 4 tablespoons), (4) Salt – small pack (you’ll need 2 teaspoons)…” {side note that the rest of recipe contains info on pizza sauce, toppings, and optional add-ons}.

The response by ChatGPT seems nifty. The ingredients are listed. The amount needed is shown as based on feeding six people. This all appears to be making use of the establishing prompt that was stored in the custom instructions.

Let’s look closer.

You might have a tad of heartburn that the response by ChatGPT refers to six people. Recall that there are two adults and four children. Yes, of course, the four kids are people, but we might have wanted the response to explicitly indicate that the recipe is for two adults and four children. Presumably, the amount of pizza for the kids is going to be less than what we would anticipate an adult would normally eat.

Has ChatGPT taken this into account? We don’t know from the response. This would require asking ChatGPT to clarify how it came up with the portions and what assumptions it was making.

I bring this up to illuminate my earlier points about making use of persistent context and things such as custom instructions. You might not necessarily know how the generative AI has opted to interpret your starter or establishing prompts. The proof ultimately arises in the pudding, once you’ve later on entered prompts that are intended to invoke the earlier establishments.

Moving on, you might be wondering what ChatGPT might have generated as a response if the custom instructions had either never been established or if we simply turned them off so that they are no longer enabled during your session. As an aside, it is important that any AI maker that makes available persistent context features ought to include that users can turn it off at will, and enable it at will (yes, ChatGPT provides this on/off mode).

Here’s what the OpenAI blog indicates would have happened:

  • ChatGPT Generated Response (Custom Instructions turned off): “Pizza night can be a great opportunity to get creative and involve everyone in the preparation process. Here’s a general shopping list that should cover a variety of tastes. Pizza Dough: You can buy pre-made pizza dough at most grocery stores, or you can make your own from scratch. You will need flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and olive oil if you decide to make your own…” {side note that the rest of the recipe contains info on pizza sauce, cheese, toppings, extras, drinks, desserts}.

The crux is that this generative AI produced a detailed grocery list but does not indicate the number of ingredients needed. This makes sense. Without having a prior indication via the establishing prompt or custom instructions that the number of people to be fed is six, there are no viable means for the generative AI to indicate how much pizza you ought to be likely making.

There is something else about this example that you should in a Sherlock Holmes manner be observing.

The generated response when the custom instructions were turned off included suggestions about getting drinks and desserts to accompany the pizza (those indications appeared in the response, but for space purposes herein I didn’t list them explicitly above). In comparison, the generated response when the custom instructions were enabled made no mention apparently of drinks or desserts.

Why the difference?

It is hard to contend that the custom instructions somehow waved away the notion of mentioning drinks or desserts. There isn’t anything in the establishing prompts that seems to suggest this. The likely aspect is that you need to always consider that generative AI is a like a box of chocolates, namely that due to the probabilistic nature of how the narratives are pieced together by the AI app, each generated response is going to likely differ from the other response.

It is the nature of the beast, one might say.

So, in this instance, the custom instructions being on or off probably didn’t make that difference occur.

This also is notable because you have to be conscious of the fact that by simply turning on or off the custom instructions you cannot necessarily expect to get identical answers, other than for the lack of whatever custom instruction you had provided. Various other differences can readily creep into the essays and interactions, regardless of what the custom instructions had to say.

When using generative AI, a tongue-in-cheek rule of thumb is that your mileage may vary (a perhaps smarmy remark though certainly on-target that the statistical and probabilistic underpinnings make getting anything exactly word-for-word repeated amounts to a low odds matter).

Before we dive deeper into the persistent context realm, I would like to provide seven crucial recommendations for you:

  • (1) Use custom instructions or persistent context features if you already find yourself frequently entering establishing prompts when using generative AI.
  • (2) When making use of a custom instructions feature, do so mindfully and consider the impacts on your generative AI aspects encompassing privacy, safety, use of plugins, and so on.
  • (3) Make sure to carefully compose your custom instructions, possibly trying them out as standalone prompts to see what kind of results you get or at least testing them once you’ve put them into the custom instructions area.
  • (4) Remain aware as to when you have custom instructions enabled and avidly want it enabled, while also being astute enough to turn it off when you don’t want it enabled.
  • (5) If you don’t usually use establishing prompts, then likely no need to use this feature (contingent on whether you even know of the usefulness that doing so can provide).
  • (6) For those of you that do not usually leverage establishing prompts, reconsider and decide whether it might be sense for you to use establishing prompts overall hereafter (if you do opt to do so, consider then using any provided persistent context functionality).
  • (7) All in all, consider experimenting with a persistent context feature to ascertain whether you find it useful and whether it makes a helpful addition to your prompt engineering strategies and tactics.

More To Know Under-The-Hood

I have so far covered the mainstay of knowing about persistent context capabilities.

We are just at the tip of the iceberg. I will briefly touch upon a number of other vital considerations, which I hinted at earlier and also mentioned in passing in my recommendations above (see the second recommendation).

Tighten your seat belt and let’s go full speed ahead.

Watch Out For Plugins

Most generative AI apps nowadays allow for plugins. This means that the generative AI can make use of other apps that presumably provide additional value, such as perhaps making use of an external app that will make your travel reservations for you or that will do financial calculations for you. I’ve discussed the immense potential of plugins and APIs (application programming interfaces) for generative AI at the link here and the link here.

Here’s something to ponder.

If you use custom instructions or persistent capabilities feature, will the generative AI pass along whatever establishing prompts of yours into the plugins and to the API-connected apps?

You might want that to happen so that whatever other app will be aware of your preferences and instructions. The concern is that you might be handing over private info that you really don’t want those other apps to have. This is something you need to give due diligence toward.

Per the OpenAI blog about how custom instructions work in ChatGPT pertaining to plugins:

  • “Adding custom instructions can also help improve your experience with plugins by sharing relevant information with the plugins that you use. For example, if you specify the city you live in within your instructions and use a plugin that helps you make restaurant reservations, the model might include your city when it calls the plugin.”

In the example about the family of six, the establishing prompt indicated that they live in North Carolina. That info can be advantageous to have automatically passed over to any plugins or other affiliated apps. A disadvantage is that you opted to freely and wantonly give away your location, at least as to which state you live in, and this might be paired up with other demographic data and used in all sorts of ways, such as for telemarketing, etc.

My cautionary thoughts are this:

  • Realize that you don’t know how else or where else the plugins will use your custom instructions, including storing it, analyzing it, giving it away to others, and so on.
  • Also, the plugins won’t necessarily make use of the conveyed instructions and you are passing them along but uselessly so.
  • You won’t necessarily know how and whether the conveyed instructions altered what the plugin ends up doing.
  • And so on.

Privacy Is Something You Need To Keep At The Fore

The above discussion about the plugins brought forth the potential for privacy concerns.

Whenever you use any generative AI app, it is crucial that you read the licensing stipulations that the AI maker has laid out for those that use the AI app. For example, see my analysis of the types of licensing restrictions, privacy provisions, and numerous potential legal exposures for you, including that you might unknowingly be indemnifying the AI maker and you could be on the hook for a sizable legal bill, see the link here.

Here’s what the OpenAI blog says about privacy associated with the custom instructions feature:

  • “We may use your custom instructions to improve model performance for our users, but you can disable this via your data controls. As with ChatGPT conversations, we take steps to remove personal identifiers found in custom instructions before they are used to improve model performance. Learn more about how we use conversations to improve model performance and your choices in our Help Center.”

Note that the default mode is that your custom instructions can be used by the AI maker, purportedly to improve the generative AI app.

Read my lips, it is on your shoulders to then potentially disable that usage by adjusting the data controls for your generative AI account.

It would seem a fair bet or solid odds that most users of the custom instructions are unlikely to realize they need to take overt action to disallow such usage. The typical user will undoubtedly just assume that either the usage won’t take place unless they opt-in (which they have, by default, by enabling the feature), or won’t care either way and not be cognizant of what if any impact it might have on them. And, though it is encouraging and laudable that an effort is made to remove personal identifiers, note that there is no guarantee that the personal identifiers will absolutely, unconditionally, and utterly be removed (things are a bit loosey-goosey as to the notion of taking steps, which doesn’t read quite the same as saying that for sure your personal identifiers are removed).

Your Custom Instructions Cannot Go Over The Line

I earlier emphasized that your custom instructions or establishing prompts ought to be feasibly implementable. If you enter custom instructions that are essentially impossible to observe, this will do little for your generative AI pursuits.

More so, OpenAI notes in their blog about the custom instructions feature that you are not to enter any custom instructions that violate the usage policies and licensing stipulations.

Here’s what the blog says:

  • “We’ve adapted our safety measures to account for the new ways that users can instruct the model. For example, our Moderation API is designed to help ensure instructions won’t be saved if they violate our Usage Policies. The model can also refuse or ignore instructions that lead to responses that violate our usage policies.”

If you are unsure of what the usage policies encompass, take a look at the OpenAI website, plus I’ve discussed on an overview basis in a prior column at the link here. For example, you aren’t supposed to use ChatGPT for the generation of hateful, harassing, or violent content. Nor can you use the generative AI app for fraudulent or deceptive activity. You aren’t supposed to do any political campaigning or lobbying with the AI app. Etc.

Thus, whatever you put into your custom instructions is supposed to equally abide by those stipulations.

The Interpretation Of Your Custom Instructions Is Open-Ended

The OpenAI blog notes that the custom instructions feature is considered in beta, which only right now is available in the ChatGPT Plus plan, and that the feature will be “expanding to all users in the coming weeks.”

An intriguing statement made in the blog is this:

  • “Especially during the beta period, ChatGPT won’t always interpret custom instructions perfectly—at times it might overlook instructions, or apply them when not intended.”

I earlier herein pointed out that you cannot be sure about how your custom instructions or persistent context-establishing prompts will be interpreted by the generative AI.

The somewhat curious aspect about the wording of the notification in the blog post is that we are told that during the beta, especially, the custom instructions won’t be “perfectly” interpreted. This seems to imply that post-beta we can potentially expect that the custom instructions will unerringly and perfectly always be interpreted. That is one heck of a tall order.

Here’s why.

Natural language inherently is imbued with semantic ambiguity. Words are always open to interpretation. You might vaguely be aware that entire court cases have dragged on and on about the meaning of even the smallest of words such as the word “is” and the word “the” (based on the context of their usage, see my analysis at the link here).

Frankly, I find it highly unlikely that we will somehow miraculously overcome the semantic ambiguity of natural language. It is part and parcel of the creature at hand. Attempts have been made to devise new languages, especially in mathematical form, which can stave off ambiguity. But the natural language we all use today has baggage that just seems to be a futile case to perfectly interpret.

But that is perhaps a story for another day.

Right now, the warning is well-intended that you should realize that your custom instructions are subject to interpretation. Furthermore, your custom instructions might be entirely ignored or overlooked. I take you back to my box of chocolates. Do not assume that your custom instructions are at all working or being abided by. They might be, they might not be.

Keep your eye on the ball and your head in the game when using generative AI.

The Big Picture About Persistent Context Capabilities

I’ve now covered generally and with some examples the persistent context precept which is arising as a vital prompt engineering technique and practical real-world value-add for generative AI users.

Some generative AI apps have this feature, some do not. I think it is an easy prediction to make that eventually nearly all generative AI apps will offer something along these lines. Each AI maker will likely vary how the feature works. Make sure to read up on whatever generative AI app you are using and leverage such a feature correctly and sensibly.

There are significant tradeoffs when choosing to use a persistent context approach.

Here are my seven upsides about the use of persistent context:

  • (1) No More Repetitiveness. You no longer need to laboriously and repeatedly enter the same establishing prompts that you’ve possibly been using, instead, you will simply enter them just once and be done with it.
  • (2) Readily Available As Needed. The establishing prompt will be handily available at all times and can be automatically invoked.
  • (3) Can Enable Or Turn-Off As Desired. You can hopefully switch it off when you want to do so.
  • (4) Streamlines Usage. Streamlines your usage and can demonstrably speed up the process of using generative AI.
  • (5) Convenient And Powerful. Hugely convenient and generally a promising and helpful added piece of functionality.
  • (6) Minimal Maintenance By You. Potentially you only need to do the setup on a one-and-done or fire-and-forget basis such that it will be either a low or no maintenance ongoing endeavor on your part thereafter.
  • (7) Other. See my other general comments and insights mentioned earlier.

Here are my seven downsides about persistent context:

  • (1) Might Forget It Is Invoked. You might easily forget that you have set up a persistent context and it will run when you aren’t aware that it is running, perhaps tilting or misdirecting the generative AI in ways you will be puzzled by.
  • (2) Might Be Misinterpreted. You do not know for sure that the generative AI will interpret the persistent context in the manner that you think it will or should, thus the impact on the subsequent generated responses might be off-target of what you hoped for.
  • (3) Might Be Ignored Or Overlooked. The establishing prompts in your persistent context might be ignored or overlooked by the generative AI. This could be beguiling since it might happen from time to time, and you will be perplexed that sometimes it is being applied and other times it is not.
  • (4) Context Limits Impacts. One question to look into is whether the use of a persistent context counts in the existing context limits of your generative AI app, or whether it is considered above and beyond the normal context limits. If it edges into your conversation-allowed context limits, you’d want to be careful since you are using up precious context space and want to make sure you are doing so advantageously.
  • (5) Distinct Versus Morass. You’ll want to look into whether your persistent context is all jumbled together as one morass or whether it is distinctively defined. If the feature is everything and the kitchen sink, this can mean that particular establishing prompts might come to play when you don’t want them to do so (plus, they might have conflicts or other disconcerting issues).
  • (6) Unknown As To Impacts Specifically. You won’t necessarily know what impact the persistent context has had on your generated response, which you assume it will in fact have, but there isn’t any obvious way to know other than by perusing the response and trying to ascertain whether the custom instructions landed on the mark (you could also try switching the feature on and off, generating twice or more times for comparison, but even then the probabilistic aspects might mask any marked differences).
  • (7) Other. See my other general comment and insights mentioned earlier.


I have a final twist for you and some concluding remarks.

Up until now, most people that avidly use establishing prompts have typically done so on their own. There are some training courses and tip sheets that mention the use of establishing prompts, but I would estimate that this is only understood by and used actively by a relatively small segment of generative AI users. Also, it has been a somewhat laborious chore to use them when there weren’t widely available ready-made automatic built-in features to accommodate starter prompts.

One strident possibility is that the emergence and adoption of persistent context capabilities will raise the prominence and heighten the use of establishing prompts. In that case, as with anything in the software and AI arena, you can bet that a marketplace will grow accordingly.

I see this as consisting of three categories:

  • (1) Proprietary Establishing Prompts. The use of establishing prompts of your own proprietary and personal nature.
  • (2) Standardized Establishing Prompts. The use of establishing prompts that are considered as standards or conventions, and for which anyone that wants to use them in their persistent context feature can do so. AI makers will include them for you as a selection option rather than you having to enter them by yourself.
  • (3) Personalized Standardized Establishing Prompts. This is akin to #2 but you can modify or customize the standardized establishing prompts to your liking.

Having generative AI apps that can easily accommodate the use of establishing prompts will grease the skids toward creating a blossoming market in this realm. Good luck to you entrepreneurs that decide to capitalize on this upcoming boon.

Now, for my concluding remarks, you might remember that I asked you to remember two notable quotes at the beginning of this discussion. Just like forgetting a story about a bear encounter, I don’t blame you if you’ve by now forgotten what the two opening quotes were.

Here they are:

  • “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” 
  • “Always and never are two words you should always remember never to use.”

I brought up the Santayana quote to highlight that making use of establishing prompts is really handy for setting up a productive contextual sphere when using generative AI. When you go from one generative AI conversation to the next, you can relish that your preferred context has been established and will be “remembered” rather than either forgotten or not present at all.

My reason for bringing up the mind-bending quote about the use of the words always and never is that you have to realize that natural language comprises semantic ambiguity. The words of an establishing prompt can readily be interpreted by the generative AI in a multitude of ways. Try as best you can to figure out wording that gets the generative AI closest possible to your desired intentions.

I’d like to say that if you follow this advice that you will always get the maximum out of generative AI, but I dare not use the always word since I seem to faintly remember that it is a word I should never use. I read that somewhere.
