Privacy Regulations Should Be a Priority for Congress, Says Top Lawmaker on AI Working Group

In a recent interview with Fox News Digital, Rep. Jay Obernolte, the vice-chair of Congress’ artificial intelligence caucus, emphasized the urgent need for privacy regulations as a top short-term priority for Congress in the face of rapidly emerging AI technology. Obernolte, a Republican from California, expressed his optimism about AI’s potential but stressed the importance of protecting Americans from potential risks and disruptions posed by AI.

Privacy concerns and the patchwork of regulations

In his interview, Rep. Obernolte highlighted the pressing issue of AI’s capacity to breach digital data privacy. He expressed concerns about AI’s ability to re-aggregate supposedly disaggregated data to create behavioral models that could influence individuals’ actions. Obernolte asserted that the government must play a pivotal role in mitigating these privacy risks.

Currently, privacy regulations in the United States remain in a patchwork state, with no comprehensive federal framework in place. Obernolte noted that various states have implemented their own data privacy regulations, such as California, while others have yet to establish any. This disjointed approach to data privacy regulations has created significant disparities across the nation.

Congress’ role in setting guardrails

Rep. Obernolte stressed the importance of Congress in establishing essential guardrails for AI regulation while allowing individual states to contribute to the solution. He emphasized the need to prevent the emergence of AI monopolies and called for the creation of a pool of resources that academic institutions can utilize for AI research and development, a facet that he believes is currently under-addressed.

“The cutting-edge research is done behind closed doors by companies,” Obernolte warned, highlighting the need for increased transparency and accessibility to AI research.

The CREATE AI Act: A step towards progress

To address these issues, Rep. Obernolte and fellow lawmakers in the AI caucus have introduced the CREATE AI Act. This proposed legislation aims to establish a National Artificial Intelligence Research Resource—a shared national research infrastructure accessible to researchers and students alike.

Rep. Obernolte’s unique background as a former computer engineer and video game developer with a graduate degree in AI positions him as an expert on AI matters within Congress. He acknowledges the valid concerns surrounding AI technology but emphasizes the importance of not overregulating without careful consideration.

Balancing regulation and innovation

Obernolte cautioned against adopting a European Union-style approach, where AI is treated as an entirely new domain requiring the creation of separate regulatory agencies. Instead, he believes that existing agencies should be equipped with the necessary resources to regulate AI effectively within their respective sectors.

In his view, the United States should avoid excessive government intervention and the stifling of innovation. While acknowledging the need for regulation, Obernolte advocates for a balanced approach that promotes technological advancement while safeguarding the privacy and security of American citizens.

Rep. Jay Obernolte, a leading voice in Congress’ artificial intelligence caucus, underscores the pressing need for privacy regulations in the AI sector. He calls for a coordinated effort to establish federal guidelines while allowing states to contribute to the regulatory framework. The CREATE AI Act represents a significant step toward creating a more transparent and accessible AI research environment, balancing the benefits of innovation with the protection of individual privacy. Obernolte’s expertise in AI, combined with his deep understanding of both its potential and risks, positions him as a key advocate for responsible AI regulation within Congress.
