Palworld Has Already Landed in the Metaverse Via a Modder

Pokemons are on fire as the new game Palworld, which is also known among users as ‘Pokemon With Guns, has landed in the metaverse after breaking records on Steam, a video game distribution service. A virtual reality (VR) mod was showcased by a user who goes by the name Paradise Decay on YouTube.

Immersing Deeper Into the Game

He showcased the game through the Meta Platforms’s latest head-mounted display Quest 3. Furthermore a user in this mod can play the game either from a third person perspective (TPP) or a first person perspective (FPP). Pocket Pair, developer of the game, has not yet called out to the user for developing the mod as they appreciate the modding culture.

However, Pocket Pair may itself get into trouble given that The Pokemon Company has shown interest in investigating the intellectual property (IP) rights. As of now, the game has already sold over 8 Million copies across the globe. Furthermore, The Pokemon Company has not granted permission for their assets to be used by any other gaming developers.

“We have received many inquiries regarding another company’s game released in January 2024. We have not granted any permission for the use of Pokémon intellectual property or assets in that game,” The Pokemon Company said in a statement.

The company further added that they “intend to investigate and take appropriate measures to address any acts that infringe on intellectual property rights related to the Pokémon. We will continue to cherish and nurture each and every Pokémon and its world, and work to bring the world together through Pokémon in the future.”

According to Game Rant, a gaming news publication, users noted that Palworld and Pokemon are similar to a great degree. Both feature characters that can be captured and then used for battles. Following the success Pocket Pair is also planning to lay down in-game modes like player v player (PvP), raid, and more.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, a non-profit dedicated to animal welfare, also issued a statement regarding the game: “PETA has already heard from many Palworld fans who have no interest in eating ‘Pals’ and want a vegan guide created for the game. It’s ‘Veganuary’ after all, and gamers want to help animals by eating vegan in their game worlds and outside.”

The community is abuzz with speculations of Palworld bringing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in game. However, no official announcement regarding that has been made. Moreover, traditional gamers have opposed integration of blockchain in traditional gaming in the past, and Palworld certainly do not want to disappoint them after gaining success.

Estimates show that Palworld has generated over $160 Million to this date which is likely to get bigger as more players join the bandwagon.
