Here’s today’s Wordle answer plus a helpful hint.
It’s Labor Day, which means that some of us will have the day off, including school children, and some of us will work as though nothing’s changed—including your humble narrator.
Working from home, working remotely, setting your own hours—this way of going about making a living has its distinct advantages. But it often also means I’m working on Christmas and Thanksgiving, or on vacation, or in the middle of the night, or in my mind all the time trying to think of what to write next.
I’m not complaining. I wouldn’t trade it for a square job, believe me (no offense to square jobs). I enjoy the hustle and always have. And it could be worse. I could be Paul Tassi, who I’m pretty sure works in his sleep . . .
In any case, Labor Day may be a day off for many, but Wordle never stops. Let’s do today’s, shall we?
Today’s Wordle #443 Answer, Hint & Clue
The Warning: You know what it is! Spoilers ahead!
The Hint: When someone brags about something silly, you might reply by saying, “Big _____.”
The Clue: This word has a double letter.
The Answer:
Wordle today
I was a bit surprised that my opening guess got a ‘W’ in green. I guessed wield mainly for the vowels, and eliminated two in the process. From here wrong felt pretty right, nabbing me yet another green box and securing what would become the only vowel I needed—an ‘O’, though the answer would require two of them in the end.
Little did I know, but my first guess got me down to just 35 possible solutions and my second slashed that down to just four. Guess number three—the wonderful word whomp, so deliciously expressive—cut that to just one: whoop, another gleefully giddy word of expression and joy, similar to yawp.
I’ve always loved onomatopoeia.
Have a relaxing and wondrous Labor Day, dearest Wordlers. I plan to get outside, get some fresh air and exercise, BBQ something tasty, and then curl up with a good book or a movie. Or maybe some Elden Ring.