New Report Finds Gen Z Ready to Exploit A.I. Skills Gap, but Businesses Neglect Training

As AI gains momentum, concerns about its impact on jobs persist. Experts argue that AI will coexist with human workers, but a skills gap remains. New research highlights the need for businesses to provide AI training, particularly for Gen Z, who show promise in filling the void.

The coexistence of AI and human workers

Amid debates on AI’s influence, tech experts envision a future where AI coexists with human workers, creating new job opportunities and fueling labor markets. Despite this, a skills gap looms, raising questions about how prepared workers are for the AI-driven landscape.

AI hype drives job growth but reveals skills gap

While AI’s hype spurs global job growth, a significant skills gap persists. A recent report from Randstad, a leading recruitment firm, indicates that although workers are excited about AI’s potential, only 10% have been offered training to prepare for it. The report surveyed 7,000 participants from five countries, including the US, India, and Britain.

Skills in generative AI in demand

Randstad’s data underscores the demand for skills in generative AI, such as OpenAI’s ChatGPT. Job postings requiring these skills have surged 20-fold this year. Globally, 53% of respondents anticipate AI’s impact on their industries and jobs, with a third already incorporating AI in their daily work.

AI training gap persists

Despite the optimism surrounding AI, only 13% of respondents received AI training in the past year. While more than half believe AI skills will future-proof their careers, the lack of training opportunities remains a concern. In the US, excitement about AI coexists with worries about its impact on jobs.

Gen Z’s demand for AI training

The survey reveals that Gen Z workers are eager for AI training, with one in five expressing interest in training within the next year. A third of Gen Z employees specifically seek AI training. Learning and development opportunities rank high among Gen Z’s non-financial motivators at work.

Employers’ role in creating future talent

Randstad’s CEO emphasizes that businesses have a responsibility to help create future talent. He notes that the right skills for AI jobs are in short supply and widening the skills gap requires employer commitment to upskilling the workforce. Employers must recognize the importance of training and development in retaining talent.

Experts assert that investing in AI training benefits all industries. The efficiencies gained from using AI for tasks like data analysis can significantly impact businesses. Rather than viewing AI as a threat, upskilling employees can turn it into an opportunity for enhanced efficiency and productivity.

Comprehensive AI literacy in demand

While AI proficiency is crucial, it involves more than just operating chatbots. Understanding AI’s capabilities, limitations, and ethical implications is essential. Those who possess comprehensive AI literacy will be in high demand, leading to better employment prospects and potentially higher salaries.

Gen Z’s edge and responsibility

Gen Z has a unique advantage due to their familiarity with technology. Growing up in the digital age makes them receptive to technological innovations like AI. However, tech savviness doesn’t equate to AI literacy. Formal training that encompasses upskilling and understanding AI’s ethical and practical aspects will be key for Gen Z’s success in leveraging AI effectively.

As the AI landscape evolves, the coexistence of AI and human workers becomes increasingly evident. While job growth is stimulated by AI, a significant skills gap persists. Businesses must take the initiative to provide AI training, especially for Gen Z, who hold the potential to bridge the gap and capitalize on AI’s promise in the future workplace.
