New Photos Show Brittney Griner In Russian Court As Trial Date Is Set For July 1


American basketball star Brittney Griner’s trial in Russia will begin Friday, authorities said during Griner’s appearance in a Moscow court on Monday according to the Associated Press.

Key Facts

Griner faces charges related to her February arrest for allegedly having cannabis in her possession at a Moscow airport and could face up to 10 years in prison if convicted.

Video from outside the courtroom Monday obtained by ABC News shows Griner in a gray T-shirt escorted by several guards in tactical vests.

The photos of Griner on Monday from AP and AFP are the first of the American since May 13 when she appeared in another Russian court hearing.

The new footage of Griner comes amid widespread concerns about her welfare, and the U.S. has accused Russia of using her as a political bargaining chip.

Key Background

Russian authorities have extended Griner’s pre-trial detention several times, most recently extending it through at least July 2. The U.S. has said Griner is being “wrongfully detained” and her arrest coincided with a breakdown in relations with the Kremlin following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russia has insisted she broke the law and is being prosecuted as such. Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told NBC News last week Griner isn’t a “hostage.” The WNBA named Griner an honorary All-Star starter last week. Griner, who hadn’t spoken to her wife Cherelle Griner since her arrest, was scheduled to speak with Cherelle last week for the couple’s fourth wedding anniversary but was unable to connect the call due to a staffing issue at the U.S. embassy in Moscow.

Further Reading

Kremlin Insists Brittney Griner Is Not A ‘Hostage’ After Extending Her Detention A Third Time (Forbes)

State Department ‘Deeply Regrets’ Not Connecting Brittney Griner’s Call With Wife (Forbes)

Brittney Griner Named Honorary WNBA All-Star While Detained In Russia (Forbes)
