New ‘Ahsoka’ Trailer Gives Us Our First Glimpse Of Live-Action Grand Admiral Thrawn

The second trailer for the upcoming Star Wars show Ahsoka has landed and it’s quite good. Or, rather, it’s a well-made trailer that makes the show look good.

I admit to certain reservations lately when it comes to Star Wars, especially after the triple-fail of Boba Fett, Obi-Wan and the third season of The Mandalorian. All my faith now lies in Andor’s second season. I hope Ahsoka surprises me and is as awesome as this trailer makes it appear.

The story follows the Jedi (still a Padawan I guess?) Ahsoka Tano (Rosario Dawson) in her search for her friend Ezra Bridger (Eman Esfandi) and the villain, Grand Admiral Thrawn (Lars Mikkelsen) who first appeared in the books by Timothy Zahn—which are excellent, by the way. Read them. You’ll get shivers when you hear the words “heir to the Empire.” He later showed up as a villain in Star Wars Rebels and we heard him mentioned in the second season of The Mandalorian.

Another new villain, Baylan Skoll, appears to be quite the imposing threat this time around. As excited as I am for this character, that excitement is considerably dampened by the tragic death of actor Ray Stevenson back in May of this year. He was much too young to pass so soon. I will always remember his roll in Rome as Titus Pullo with fondness.

The big reveal here, of course, is the first glimpse of Mikkelsen as Thrawn. In the first trailer we saw the back of his head. Here we see his face! It’s very blue. You might recognize the actor—brother to Mads Mikkelsen—as Stregobor from The Witcher (my season 3 review). He also voiced the character in Rebels.

Here’s the trailer:

What do you think? Will this be any good?

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