MuesliSwap to Reimburse Users Following Slippage Misunderstanding on its DEX

Cardano-based decentralized exchange platform, MuesliSwap, has stepped forward with an admission of oversight regarding its slippage functionality. With the platform’s reputation on the line, the team has taken decisive measures to make amends. In the rapidly evolving decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape, it’s vital for platforms to offer transparency and clarity to their users. Cardano’s fifth-largest protocol, MuesliSwap, recently faced criticisms related to the high slippage rates that users have been experiencing over the past year. 

MuesliSwap Admits Shortcomings in Slippage Clarity

On August 8th, the MuesliSwap team publicly acknowledged their misstep, stating they “fell short in providing adequate clarity” regarding the slippage feature in their protocol. Slippage, in the realm of blockchain transactions, refers to the difference in price from when a transaction is initiated to when it’s finally confirmed on the blockchain. Users of MuesliSwap have been incurring high slippage costs due to the decentralized matchmaker system implemented by the platform.

The key issue stems from the role of matchmakers — individuals who scan the network for buy and sell orders, matching them up to fulfill transactions. Matchmakers, in the MuesliSwap model, had the authority to “fill the limit order and choose whether to return the additional slippage amount or retain the difference at their discretion.” Although this slippage difference incentivized decentralized matchmakers, it resulted in considerable confusion and frustration for the platform’s users.

Efforts to Rectify the Situation

The MuesliSwap team, demonstrating responsibility and a commitment to their user base, announced that they would be compensating the affected users. They stated, “To make amends, we will be refunding affected users who encountered high slippage on the MuesliSwap pools in the last 12 months from our project funds.” This is a significant step toward restoring faith in the platform and showcasing the team’s dedication to user satisfaction.

Moreover, MuesliSwap has immediately undertaken measures to rectify the prevailing slippage issue within its order book. Such a swift response is pivotal in an industry where trust is paramount.

The slippage problem isn’t unique to MuesliSwap alone. A broad segment of users has raised concerns about slippage issues on various Cardano DEX platforms. As one trader remarked on August 4th, “Currently completing a LARGE trade on any CARDANO DEX is subject to HUGE slippage which diminishes trader’s value by a large percentage.”

MuesliSwap’s Future Initiatives

Despite the challenges, MuesliSwap is still on its growth path. Rumors have it that the team is working diligently on a DEX aggregator, which could effectively split large trades. This initiative aims to limit losses resulting from slippage and can be a game-changer for the platform, offering traders an enhanced and smoother experience.

However, the recent revelations have impacted MuesliSwap’s market position. According to DeFiLlama, while the platform holds a significant total value locked (TVL) of $17.3 million, it has witnessed a sharp 27% drop since the onset of August. This decline is even more pronounced compared to its all-time high in April 2022, where it faced a staggering 68% decrease.

Despite this, MuesliSwap has shown adaptability and innovation in the past. In December, for instance, they introduced an “organic APR” feature. As more liquidity flowed into pools, token emissions increased. This strategy was crafted as an incentive mechanism, encouraging users to add collateral.


In the DeFi world, setbacks are par for the course. However, how platforms respond to these challenges can set them apart. MuesliSwap’s recent admissions and corrective measures reflect a willingness to evolve and prioritize user trust above all, a sentiment that could very well dictate their trajectory in the future.
