Here’s today’s Wordle #359 plus a helpful hint.
I must admit, my usual jovial, Wordle-guide-writing self is a bit out of sorts today.
Yesterday, a wildfire started in the forest near my home. The fire has been classified as suspected arson and a suspect is in custody. Sunday was one of the hottest, windiest days in weeks—and it’s horribly dry here in Northern Arizona.
Highways and forest roads have been closed down in the area and evacuations are ongoing (though thankfully not in my neighborhood). It’s not looking good, though the fire response has been swift and there has been a lot of forest-thinning and other preventative measures in the area.
The problem is that this forest is so big and so dry and even with thinning and other steps, decades of fire prevention has made the forest too overgrown. Small fires prevent big fires, but now—with the drought especially—there is no such thing as a small fire (only controlled burns).
In any case, that’s where I’m at right now. I’m angry that someone would start a fire like this, whether intentional or through negligence. This is burning beautiful forest area that I hike in regularly. Peoples’ homes are at risk. Wildlife will suffer.
This is also the result of climate change. It has been so much hotter than usual and we’ve had almost no rain and had very little snow this winter. It’s all very disheartening and scary.
But I ramble on. Let’s get to today’s Wordle—a happy distraction from this calamity, if a brief one.
Today’s Wordle #359 Hint & Answer
Spoilers ahead! You’ve been warned!
First, a hint: A generous person of means.
And the answer is . . . .
Today’s Wordle
Yeah I did not do great this time around. Claim left me with a whopping 455 possible solutions left, one of the worst I’ve ever had. Roles narrowed that down to 12, however, which was good, even though Wordle Bot says I should have guessed store instead.
From here, tough brought the total remaining possibilities down to just four, though again the Wordle Bot informs me that windy would have been better. From where I’m sitting, the wind is a big part of the problem so I won’t be guessing that one any time soon.
Dorky really should have been my last guess before getting the solution. Oh well. Wordle Bot says I should have guessed an actual possible solution but I didn’t know dorky wasn’t one. It’s a valid guess but not a potential correct answer.
Neither was my penultimate guess: dobro (a kind of musical instrument). Wordle Bot was impressed with my vocabulary here, but informed me that this, too, was not a potential answer. Dorky left just one possible correct answer and I didn’t get it until the sixth and final guess with donor.
If anyone can donate some rain, we’d really love to take it off your hands!