Sepultura’s Brazilian guitarist Andreas Kisser performs during the concert with the Brazilian … [+]
Taking a page from the famous early 90’s metal tour Clash of the Titans, which included thrash metal giants Anthrax, Slayer, and Megadeth, not to mention a ‘small’ band at the time known as Alice In Chains as the opener, the now classic metal tour is seeing somewhat of a ‘reboot’ in 2023. ‘Klash Of The Titans’ is the upcoming North American spring tour with powerhouse thrash headliners Kreator and Sepultura, along with openers Death Angel and newcomers Spiritworld.
“I’m really happy to be back in the US this May with the mightiest of all… Sepultura,” says Kreator’s Mille Petrozza. “A new ‘Klash Of The Titans’ partnership and an absolutely stacked bill from start to finish. I’m looking forward to checking out Spiritworld live – a great new band with big riffs. Plus sharing the stage with the legendary Death Angel. Awesome! Can’t wait… see you in the pit!”
While this 2023 tour brands itself as a ‘new’ incarnation of the Klash Of The Titans tour it’s far from the same lineup, yet it manages to capture the same relevancy and thrash aesthetic. Kreator and Sepultura are huge bands within the respective modern thrash metal scene, despite both of them being around since the mid-80s. However, unlike many of thrash metal’s ‘big 4’ bands (Metallica, Megadeth, Slayer, and Anthrax) who’ve respectively tread a fairly static sonic path throughout the last two decades, Kreator and Sepultura have both evolved their sounds in a more timely manner keeping up with the modern metal scene.
Sepultura are still coming off the high that was arguably their most successful album of this century with Quadra, and Kreator’s 2022 record Hate Uber Alles has continued to garner critical praise in large part due to the band working with famed Power Trip producer Arthur Rizk. On top of Kreator and Sepultura’s relevancy as a tour, openers Death Angel (who recently were Grammy nominees for Best Metal Performance) and Spiritworld are massive components to this tour being a worthy rebranding. Most notably Spiritworld have attracted a well deserved spotlight after their outstanding 2022 record DEATHWESTERN.
Klash of the Titans is sure to be one of many North American metal tours slated for spring 2023, and it’s likely there’ll be ambitious tour announcements in the coming days/weeks. As of right now however, Klash of Titans looks to be one of the most stacked metal packages of the year.