METABLAZE announces virtual land presale within its gaming Metaverse

TL;DR Breakdown

• META project will work with BSC’s BEP20 network.
• METABLAZE opens its early sale for the MBLZ token.

The metaverse space has enjoyed a lot of technological advancements recently, and some of them have involved cryptocurrencies. Meta is the acronym for a virtual universe promoted by Facebook founder, Mark Zuckerberg, and other programming geniuses before him. METABLAZE is one of the projects competing to dominate this space, as it works to develop a virtual universe based on the Blockchain network.

The new Meta that will serve as a connection between fans and PvP games and celestial monsters was recently announced. According to reports, the video game will present a 3D environment fully involved with trading non-fungible tokens or NFTs.

METABLAZE project will launch in 2022


Many enthusiasts consider virtual properties as the current best trend in investments. Even non video-game lovers also often frequent these virtual universes.

As Meta marketing reach new levels, the METABLAZE project will occupy a prominent role in the scheme as it integrates titling as the key factor for the game. Digital properties can be rented, bought, and sold between players.

The Blockchain Gaming industry’s purpose is to change the traditional landscape to include new methods to obtain funds. This project aims to stick more to the idea that players are owners of a part of the Meta.

METABLAZE was developed as a DeFi-GameFi project with its own cryptocurrency. Information currently available indicate that the token will take the project’s name under the initials MBLZ. It will be developed to be immune to inflation, and its technology will focus on BSC under the BEP20 network. They aim to launch the base project and cryptocurrency later this year. The BlazedApp App will also offer users new information and various tools.

Unique elements of META

METABLAZE is slowly building its reputation as one of the projects of the year, using some of its special elements such as the Blazed App. On the other hand, META has promised to reward its players with BUSD, Binance‘s cryptocurrency, and MBLZ, corresponding to its native crypto.

Another attractive feature of METABLAZE is access to a novel NFT trading platform. It will also promote the use of digital properties. At the moment of writing, the MBLZ token presale is with a current price of $0.00007764.

However, it is likely to increase as more users create the demand. Fans who participate in the pre-purchase will enjoy a 10 percent bonus, and the chance to earn MetaRoyal NFTs.
