Media Audience Measurement Committee Includes Premium Video Providers Only

As the issues involving cross-platform audience measurement enters its third year (and third upfront), in January a group of media conglomerates developed a Joint Industry Committee or JIC (in actuality it’s a Media Owner Committee). Charter members were NBCUniversal, Paramount Global, Fox, Warner Bros. DiscoveryWBD
, TelevisaUnivision with the trade group Video Advertising Bureau (VAB). These long-time rivals said they would collaborate in the development of new audience measurement standards with plans to certify a number of currencies.

Another component will be the utilization of the first party data available from premium video providers for cross-platform measurement. The data component will be handled by Open AP, an advanced audience measurement company owned by NBCU, WBD, Paramount Global and Fox.

Early on, one of the criticisms made at the announcement was the exclusion of ad agencies, the negotiating partners of JIC members. Within a few weeks a number of prominent ad agencies joined; Dentsu, GroupM, Horizon Media, IPG Mediabrands, Omnicom Media Group, Publicis Media and RPA. With the inclusion of agencies, ad buyers will comprise half of the decision-making committees. Also, the list of premium video content providers grew to include A + E Networks, AMC NetworksAMCX
and Hallmark Media. Soon thereafter, Roku became the first “pure-play” streaming provider to join the JIC.

There are seven audience measurement companies invited to take part in the certification process; ComscoreSCOR
, iSpot, Nielsen, Samba TV, Innovid-TVSquared, VideoAmp and 605. Nielsen remains the predominant source for audience measurement and negotiating ad rates, reportedly they are reviewing the invitation. The Media Rating Council (MRC), watchdog group, had suspended Nielsen’s accreditation in September 2021 and has yet to reinstate them. The announcement of the JIC coincides with Nielsen launching its cross-platform measurement initiative Nielsen ONE, with the goal to replace its legacy measurement system.

In the aftermath of the JIC formation, the MRC sent letters to members supporting the initiative but reaffirming their role of ensuring audience measurement companies adhere to the minimum industry standards they set. The JIC has maintained that their certification process will not replace the MRC. In fact, all seven measurement companies will need to apply for MRC accreditation which requires methodological transparency.

Michael Parkes, President, VideoAmp notes, ”We strongly support efforts that promote collaboration across the media landscape. The Joint Industry Committee’s (JIC) initiative to establish standards and facilitate the growth of new currencies is advantageous for all stakeholders. By fostering a more competitive marketplace for new currencies, marketers will have more options, which is essential to meeting the evolving needs of our clients. We believe that the adoption of innovative measurement solutions and new currencies is fundamental to driving progress for the industry and it aligns with our mission of increasing the value of advertising,”

In an email Sean Muller, Founder and CEO of iSpot said, “Modernizing currency requires the kind of collaboration and implementation of standards we’re seeing from the JIC. The industry needs to come together on a number of important issues, ranging from data quality, measurement independence, and the interoperability of modern metrics to agreements around walled gardens and how to manage streaming logs.”

In a statement, Samba TV CEO Ashwin Navin adds, “The industry is rapidly moving towards a multi-currency world, and while we are still in the early days of the JIC, the conversation being had today is a positive advancement as we work to innovate more effective currency methodology for outcomes like in-target reach, deduplicated frequency, conversion, incrementality or omni-screen engagement that matter most to advertisers.”

Among the notable media companies not participating in the JIC include Disney, NetflixNFLX
and AmazonAMZN
. Disney was an active participant in the alpha test of Nielsen ONE and has a multi-year agreement with Samba TV. The audience for Amazon’s Thursday Night Football is being measured by Nielsen. When Netflix launched their ad supported tier last year, they signed an audience measurement agreement with Nielsen.

This month, the JIC released a list of eight criteria required as a new currency measurement for negotiating. The criteria can be amended as need be. For now, the criteria are:

Big Data: Foundation of cross-platform viewership projections should have big data at the center with panels used for calibration; Nationally representative and fully inclusive of diverse segments; Measurement leverages digital streaming and ad exposure data provided by the JIC.

Technology & Infrastructure: Support modern technology such as data clean rooms; ID backbone built on scaled third-party ID sources available to buyers and sellers; Ability to source and deliver measurement data at ID level.

Interoperability: Facilitate high quality ID resolution that maximizes match rates; Baseline measurement for currency fully interoperable with other metrics; Metrics used in MMM [mixed media modeling] rely on robust and reliable media currency measurement, especially for CTV.

Privacy: Fully compliant with all privacy regulations with disclosure of consumer consent; Data collection done with standardized instruments available to all measurement partners.

Transparency: Full transparency into all datasets and methodology applied.

Governance and Transaction Flexibility: Currency should seek MRC accreditation; Standardization but flexibility to enable more than one metric beyond the standard; Ability to separately report out by inventory type (i.e.: premium video versus UGC or social.

Cross-Platform Measurement: Delivery of a robust co-viewing model that enhances cross-platform measurement; Ability to report narrow demos and broad demos either at persons or household level; Ability to size and post advanced audience segments.

Cross-Media Transparency, Media Integrations & Stewardship: Greater than two years of historical data for linear and 1 year for streaming/digital; Any methodology change that will systematically impact measurement must be disclosed 12 months before impact; Reporting of data granularity daily, flexible reporting of data ranges to build cumes across reach & frequency.

Since their announcement, the JIC has been criticized for prioritizing premium video content over user generated content (UGC). None of the UGC providers were invited to join the JIC. Furthermore, the JIC plans to have premium video viewing separated from UGC content including YouTube, TikTok, Meta and Snap. All four have over 100 million active users in the U.S. each month. In addition, UGC content is heavily viewed by young adults, a popular target audience with many advertisers. In 2022 YouTube generated $29.24 billion in global ad revenue

According to Nielsen’s monthly Gauge report, YouTube typically has a higher audience share than any other streaming platform including Netflix. Furthermore, last year YouTube viewing was added to Nielsen’s total ad ratings.

In response to the JIC’s eight-point measurement criteria for premium video, YouTube spokesperson said, “We’re siding with marketers who need to measure reach across all platforms, regardless of the content creator, video length or camera quality. This will improve consumer ad experiences and help marketers and agencies drive much needed efficiency in their media investments.”

recommended these five principles:

· Measurement must provide a unified view of audiences across TV, CTV/OTT and online platforms.

· The MRC viewable impression should be the basis for counting impressions, reach and frequency, and report other metrics, such as duration, separately.

· Only solutions that are privacy-centric can meet consumer expectations and be durable for marketer’s long term.

· Solutions should be publisher agnostic, marketer-oriented, with transparent and auditable methodologies.

· Competition and choice in measurement, should be supported, while avoiding unnecessary complexity and costs for advertisers and agencies.

B.J. Kito, Chief Strategy Officer, Rebel Interactive Group, emails, “Agencies have been feeling the demand from clients to consolidate all reporting into a single dashboard and identify cross-platform attribution. Ultimately clients want an ROI calculation that is elusive (at best) on current streaming platforms – and even compared to the (now) ‘traditional’ and accepted conversion metrics across the likes of Meta, YouTube, TikTok, etc. The north star of the JIC must be to identify a means to counteract the ruinous impact of increased privacy protections, streaming platform data/reporting disparities, and the realities that much of the market has restricted access to actionable data based on spend amount and/or lack of existing partnerships with networks at the enterprise level.”

The committee has set a goal of certifying audience measurement companies as negotiation currency in time for the start of the 2024 broadcast season.
