Masking the real story: Inflation’s complex journey for central banks

Inflation’s recent trajectory has sparked a standoff between central banks and the markets. On one side, central bankers are cautiously refraining from celebrating the slowdown in inflation across advanced economies, while on the other, investors are already betting on imminent rate cuts.

This divergence in perspectives hinges on the future path of inflation, which remains uncertain due to a mix of factors like stabilizing energy prices and robust wage growth.

Navigating the Inflation Landscape

The current economic narrative is underpinned by a complex interplay of factors influencing inflation. In Germany, Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel has hinted at an uneven path ahead, with fluctuations in inflation expected in the near term.

Similarly, in the United States and the Eurozone, investors are anticipating rate cuts by mid-2024, driven by swaps market trends. This sentiment persists despite central bankers’ repeated intimations that high rates are here to stay for a while.

Upcoming data from the Eurozone is likely to show a deceleration of inflation from 2.9% in October to 2.6% in November, inching closer to the central banks’ 2% target.

However, European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde has cautioned against premature triumph, suggesting a resurgence in inflation in the coming months. The ECB’s Isabel Schnabel has likened the final phase of disinflation to the concluding part of a marathon, indicating the complexity of the task ahead.

Nagel forecasts a rebound in Eurozone inflation, attributing it to the withdrawal of energy subsidies. Most economists concur, expecting Eurozone inflation to rise again and remain above 2% until at least early 2025.

Central bankers globally are using sports metaphors to temper enthusiasm about slowing inflation, emphasizing the ongoing challenge of rate-setting in this unpredictable environment.

The Factors Behind Persistent Inflation

The story of inflation’s deceleration is multifaceted. One significant element is the normalization of energy prices after their surge post-Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

In the U.S., for instance, energy prices dropped by 4.5% year-on-year in October, while in the Eurozone, they fell by 11.2%. However, this impact may diminish as annual energy inflation stabilizes or even reverses.

Food price inflation, which has been slowing for several months, is another factor contributing to the overall inflation trajectory. In the Eurozone, food inflation is expected to fall below 7% in November, down from a peak of 17.9% in March.

Yet, central bankers remain vigilant about wage growth and its impact on inflation, particularly in the services sector, which is labor-intensive and prone to pass on higher costs to consumers. Data from the ECB shows that negotiated wage growth in the Eurozone has accelerated, maintaining underlying inflationary pressures.

In addition to wage dynamics, the withdrawal of government support measures during the pandemic and the energy crisis is also expected to keep inflation elevated. For example, changes in subsidies and tax policies in countries like France and Germany are set to influence overall inflation rates.

While headline rates of inflation are declining, bringing some relief to households, the journey to achieving the central banks’ inflation targets remains complex and fraught with challenges.

The various factors at play, from energy prices to wage growth and policy changes, all contribute to a nuanced and unpredictable inflationary landscape. Central banks, therefore, must navigate this terrain with caution, balancing the need for stability with the realities of an ever-changing economic environment.
