Madonna Apes – Trustnodes

Madonna, the best-selling music artist of all time, has bought a Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) NFT.

“I finally entered the MetaVerse,” Madonna told her 2.7 million followers on Twitter. “My very own Ape!”

She then thanked MoonPay, a wallet app, to further add: “We all need protection from Evil Eye.”

The actual NFT is not the one pictured however. Apparently her team edited as she did not want the background color, the cigarette and the eye color.

We know it because we can see what MoonPay has been doing. We can also check the ape collection and the one she shared does not exist. Instead the actual NFT is this one:

Madonna's ape NFT, March 2022
Madonna’s ape NFT, March 2022

This was transferred two days ago after being bought for 180 eth, worth just over half a million.

And it was bought in eth, so that means Madonna not only has ethereum, but is also using crypto wallets and is basically a cryptonian now.

It goes to an address that has more apes in it, as well as a whining baby Putin, Russia’s President.

Madonna's NFT collection, March 2022
Madonna’s NFT collection, March 2022

The singer is thought to have a net worth of $850 million. She has invested a lot of it into properties, as well as in art.

Her art collection is estimated to be worth $100 million. It features masterpieces like Les Deux Bicyclettes.

Fernand Legér, Les Deux Bicyclettes (1944)
Fernand Legér, Les Deux Bicyclettes (1944)

She is now seemingly trying to build a digital art collection, with six apes already secured for less than 1% of her total net worth, and about 5% of her traditional art collection.

With it unclear what exactly this says about this still very new art space as she is a serious collector.

It may well be thus that NFTs are at a tipping point as their level of adoption and acceptance may have reached the stage where this form of digital art is here to stay.
