Lawmakers Support Google’s New AI Disclosure Policy for Political Ads

Last week, Google announced a significant update to its political content policy, set to take effect in November. The tech giant will now require political campaigns to disclose if their advertisements contain artificial intelligence-generated content. This policy will apply to ads on YouTube and other Google platforms. It will be enforced in the U.S. and countries with verification processes for advertisers, such as India and the European Union.

According to Google, the disclosure must be “clear and conspicuous” and placed where users will likely notice it. The policy covers image, video, and audio content. However, this requirement will be exempt from ads that contain inconsequential AI alterations—such as cropping, resizing, or red-eye removal.

Lawmakers applaud Google’s initiative

The move has received bipartisan support from the House and Senate lawmakers. Rep. Derek Kilmer, D-Wash., praised Google’s initiative, stating, “Google’s initiative with SynthID is a step towards ensuring digital transparency. As we navigate this new digital age, Americans must have tools to discern fact from fiction and to assess content they find online critically.”

Sen. Michael Bennet, D-Colo., echoed this sentiment on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter, saying, “This is a good first step toward increasing transparency and accountability in our elections, and I encourage other platforms to follow suit.”

Calls for greater congressional oversight

While lawmakers have largely welcomed Google’s new policy, some call for Congress to play a more active role in regulating AI technology. Rep. Don Beyer, D-Va., told Fox News Digital, “Google’s announcement will boost transparency and accountability in the public square, and I encourage other tech companies to follow this example.” However, he also emphasized that voluntary commitments from companies might not be enough to address the rapidly evolving landscape of AI technology.

“History suggests that voluntary commitments from companies will likely be insufficient to solve such a large, rapidly changing problem in the long term, which makes it all the more important that Congress become knowledgeable about and proactive in addressing issues arising from AI, including its role in political campaigns,” Beyer added.

Bipartisan efforts to understand AI

Both Democrats and Republicans are taking steps to understand the implications of AI better. Democrats in the House and Senate have established working groups focused on crafting regulation for AI. Meanwhile, Republicans have arranged meetings with experts to brief members on the topic.

The White House has also shown interest in regulating AI. In July, it announced that seven of the nation’s top artificial intelligence developers had agreed to guidelines to ensure the safe deployment of AI technology.

The double-edged sword of AI

The rapid growth of AI technology has opened up new avenues across multiple fields, from healthcare to transportation. However, it has also raised concerns about misinformation, employment impacts, and safety. Google’s new policy addresses at least one facet of these concerns by ensuring that AI-generated content in political ads is clearly disclosed, allowing the electorate to make more informed decisions.

Google’s new policy on AI disclosures in political ads has been met with bipartisan approval, signaling a growing awareness among lawmakers of the need for transparency and accountability in the digital age. While this is a step in the right direction, there is a consensus that more needs to be done. As AI continues to evolve, the call for comprehensive regulation grows louder, making it increasingly important for Congress and tech companies to collaborate to create a safer and more transparent digital landscape.
