Kevin O’Leary says more US banks will fail – His reasons are convincing

A startling revelation from the discerning business mogul Kevin O’Leary has sent ripples across the financial sector.

With his prediction that the incessant cycle of Federal Reserve rate hikes is poised to push more U.S. regional banks into the murky waters of failure, it’s time to buckle up and take heed.

As a shrewd investor and one who doesn’t mince words, O’Leary’s argument holds a convincing weight that we ought to consider critically.

O’Leary brings up the looming threat of rising rates

Despite the significant cooling off of price increases, as suggested by recent headlines, the U.S. Federal Reserve remains apprehensive in its victory over inflation. The consumer price index, demonstrating a 3% rise since last year, represents the lowest level since March 2021.

However, Jerome Powell, the Fed Chair, believes that it’s premature to celebrate, especially with the core inflation still stubbornly perched above the 3% mark, surpassing the 2% annual target.

O’Leary’s candid assertion encapsulates this scenario quite aptly, likening the constant squeezing and rolling of a toothpaste tube to the relentless rate hikes. It’s an accident waiting to happen. But where exactly is the disaster slated to strike?

O’Leary warns of a potential breakdown in the regional banking sector, which underpins nearly 60% of the economy. The culprits? An escalating cost of capital and a series of tightening monetary policies.

Fallout: Regional banks and unforeseen consequences

The fallout has already begun to manifest, with regional banks like First Republic, Silicon Valley Bank, and Signature Bank having crumbled since March.

A testament to the destructive power of the aggressive monetary tightening cycle, which has borne witness to a staggering 11 rate hikes since March 2022. The recent increase has catapulted benchmark borrowing costs to their most significant peak in over two decades.

O’Leary has been advising the investors he works with to play a waiting game for the next 90 days to fully comprehend the shockwaves in the U.S. small banking sector.

Moreover, he warns of the possibility of the Federal Reserve raising rates beyond the existing forecasts. A terminal rate that could reach as high as 6.5%, overshooting the Fed’s median forecast of a funds rate at 5.6% for the end of 2023.

An even more ominous warning from O’Leary comes in the form of a metaphor: “We’ve started to see the cracks, but the Titanic has not [yet].”

The metaphor is a chilling one, highlighting the high-stakes scenario the U.S. regional banks are grappling with. O’Leary’s prediction comes not as a tale of doom but a wake-up call for all stakeholders in the financial sector.

The bottomline is while O’Leary’s warnings may come off as dire, they highlight the need for a critical assessment of the ongoing fiscal policies.

The relentless tightening cycle of rate hikes could indeed precipitate more regional bank failures, setting off a domino effect that the U.S. economy can ill-afford.

The situation, as O’Leary suggests, needs close monitoring and tactful handling. After all, when O’Leary speaks, we would do well to pay attention. He might not always offer the most comforting forecasts, but he provides a reality check that we cannot afford to ignore.
