Nike trainers lead a class from the Nike Training Club on Netflix.
With a new year just ahead, many people are looking to renew their commitment to their fitness goals.
Assisting in this endeavor, today Netflix
The workouts are broken up into ten categories including Kickstart Fitness with the Basics, Two Weeks to a Stronger Core, Fall in Love with Vinyasa, Bodyweight Burn, High Intensity Training, Hit & Strength with Tara, and Feel Good Fitness.
There are also workouts that are listed simply by time commitment, with 10, 20 and 30-minute classes.
The number of episodes per category varies with the 20-minute workout class boasting the most installments with 26 total, while Bodyweight Burn has 16 episodes, Fall in Love with Vinyasa has only six episodes, and 30 minute workouts has a mere three episodes.
The workouts are available in 10 languages, including French, Italian, German, both Latin American Spanish and European Spanish, as well as Turkish, Japanese, Korean and Brazilian Portuguese.
Finding the Nike Training homepage on Netflix can be a bit tricky. To do so, use the search function, enter the word ‘workout.’ A few of the Nike videos will pop up in this list but to see all of them, click on the word ‘fitness’ in the ‘explore titles related to..’ bar. This shows viewers the entire menu of Nike training videos.
(Strangely, putting Nike in the search function does not pull up the workouts as the first video in the list, while using the work ‘workout’ does.)
Quick directions at the beginning of each video given by the instruction explain the area of focus, how the class will proceed, and what equipment, if any, is needed.
Each video has only the instructor and one other participant, who is also a Nike trainer. There is music but it’s non-descript background fare.
One of the features of the videos is a countdown clock in the upper left hand corner. This counter is sometimes used to indicate the total time until the completion of the class, while in other instances it’s the length of time that a pose will be held, or an exercise will be performed.
There is no indication on-screen of the expected effort level for the classes, but each episode does have a short description of the individual workout.
Overall, the Nike Training Club videos are a great foray into the fitness space for Netflix, and they come at a perfect time for anyone looking to up their workout game without leaving home, or subscribing to yet another streaming service.
For more detailed information about the Nike Training Classes offered on Netflix, please visit Netflix’s Tumdum blog here.
To view all Netflix offerings, including the Nike Training videos, please visit the Netflix site here.