Julian Assange, to Join Virtual Political Rally in Metaverse 

Julian Assange, to Join Virtual Political Rally in Metaverse 

On August 26, a virtual political rally is going to be organized in the Metaverse against extradition. From the report, it is confirmed that the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange is to appear in the virtual rally to raise awareness and fight against extradition. The “Don’t Extradite Assange Campaign” is to support the extradition of Julian Assange to the United States.          

Who is Julian Assange?

Julian Assange, the WikiLeaks has been confined within Belmarsh Prison in London since 2019. He is wanted by the United States on 18 espionage charges and is fighting a court battle against his extradition. Julian Assange, is an American publisher, editor, and activist who was born in 1971 and founded WikiLeaks in 2013. Julian has been charged with publishing sensitive data against the government in the public domain. The journalistic activities of exposing governments have made him a super target of several firms, mainly in the US. 

At present, he has been at the high-security services since he was forcibly removed from Educator’s central London and was imprisoned by London’s Metropolitan Police in April 2019. He is accused of planning to hack into the US military to fetch sensitive data, which was further published by WikiLeaks. According to him, the data exposed abuses by the military and that the issue against him was a political plan. However, as per the US prosecutors, the leaked information can put the lives of individuals in danger. Requesting Assange’s extradition from Belmarsh Prison in London.       

Metaverse Political Rally Insights 

Every time the US wishes to put a suspect who is in the UK on trial, its lawyers ask the UK government. When the request is made relevantly, the home secretary accepts the request and issues a warrant to find and arrest the suspect. In the case of Julian Assange, he is expected to appear in the virtual political rally in Metaverse to raise awareness and prevent his extradition. In addition, speeches at the rally will be his wife, Stella Assange, WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Kristinn Hrafnasson, and Corbyn. 

As per the reports, the speakers may appear either as characters or with filmed contributions. Also, the field in which the rally is going to be organized will be designed as the Royal Courts of Justice in London. Julian Assange is expected to appear virtually to make a final appeal in the UK court system. The protest is going to be organized with the hope of developing support for a real-life protest at the Royal Courts of Justice once a court date is declared. “The virtual Political rally in Metaverse is a wonderful opportunity to unite individuals across the globe” stated a member of the Don’t Extradite Assange Campaign. The campaign will look well to the individuals who believe in freedom of speech and freedom of the press and actually want to support Julian Assange.   


Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks is expected to appear in the “Don’t Extradite Assange Campaign” going to be organized on 26 August 2023. The campaign is to raise awareness and prevent extradition. 

Source: https://www.thecoinrepublic.com/2023/08/30/julian-assange-to-join-virtual-political-rally-in-metaverse/