Journalist Who Revealed Killing Of Gay Men In Chechnya Brutally Attacked


A prominent Russian journalist with a history of explosive scoops about the Chechen government and a human rights lawyer were brutally attacked and beaten in Chechnya, Russia, leaving them with broken bones, stab wounds and head injuries, in a surprise attack that is being rebuked by many including the Kremlin.

Key Facts

Elena Milashina, a journalist with the independent muckraking news outlet Novaya Gazeta, and Alexander Nemov, a human rights lawyer, were beaten with clubs by men in masks who took their phones and demanded they unlock them, Novaya Gazeta said in a statement.

The two were in Grozny, the capital of Chechnya, for the trial of Zarema Musayeva, the mother of exiled opposition activists; Milashina was there to cover the trial and Nemov was there to represent Musayeva.

Milashina has a closed head wound and several broken fingers and passed out several times while in the hospital, Novaya Gazeta said in a statement.

Images of Milashina published by Novaya Gazeta show most of her hair was shaved off and she was covered in blueish dye in an apparent attempt to prevent her from appearing in public.

Nemov was stabbed in the leg, the newspaper said.

Milashina was evacuated from Chechnya and brought to the neighboring region of north Ossetia, the New York Times reported.

Crucial Quote

“It’s a classic kidnapping, just like before,” Milashina told a Chechen human rights official in a hospital in Grozny, Novaya Gazeta reported. “It hasn’t happened in a while though. They threw out the taxi driver from the car, got inside, pushed our heads down, tied my hands, forced me to kneel, held a gun to my head. They seemed to be nervous though, they couldn’t even tie my hands well.”

Key Background

In the past few years, Milashina has made headlines for her investigative reporting into human rights abuses. In 2017, she uncovered that gay men in Chechnya were being detained, tortured and killed because of their sexual orientation. Her investigation found that some men were tortured into giving the names and contacts of other gay men who were then detained, creating a cycle of torture. At one point after her investigation into the killing of gay men in Chechnya was published she fled Russia fearing for her safety, the New Yorker reported. In 2020, Chechnya’s autocratic leader, Ramzan Kadyrov, appeared to threaten her directly and reportedly responded on Instagram to her reporting on the republic’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic: “If you want us to commit a crime and become criminals, then say so. One will take on this burden of responsibility and will be punished according to the law. He’ll do his time in jail and get out.” She was also attacked in 2020 alongside Marina Dubrovina, another lawyer, the BBC reported. At the time Dubrovina was representing a blogger who was tortured and jailed for posting a video with information about Kadyrov and his associates. Meanwhile, Milashina was there to cover the case. In its three decades of existence, six journalists from Novaya Gazeta have been killed. While the paper suspended publication in Russia when the invasion into Ukraine began, some reporters have reportedly continued to work in exile.


Reporters Without Borders, an advocacy group for journalists, said it was “horrified by the savage attack” on Milashina. The Kremlin also condemned the attack. Dmitri Peskov, the Kremlin’s spokesman, said that Russian President Vladimir Putin was notified of the incident. “We are talking about a very serious assault that requires quite energetic measures,” he said in his daily press briefing on Tuesday, the New York Times reported.

Surprising Fact

Despite his injuries—being stabbed in the leg—Nemov still appeared in court to represent his client Tuesday, The Guardian reported. Musayeva, his client, was sentenced to five and a half years in a penal colony.

Further Reading

Prominent Russian Journalist Injured In Attack In Chechnya (New York Times)
