Jeff Hardy was hit with his third DUI offense in 10 years.
Jeff Hardy’s demons rose their ugly heads yet again Monday as the troubled wrestling legend was arrested in Volusia County, Florida on suspicion of DUI.
Hardy was booked at 12:45 am local time, and Volusia County records list the following felony offenses:
Jeff Hardy DUI Arrest in Volusia County, Fla.
- Violating Restrictions Placed On Driver’s License
- Driving While License Canceled/Suspended/Revoked
- DUI Alcohol/Drugs 3rd Offense within 10 years
AEW and Jeff Hardy did not respond to requests for comment. This article will be updated if and when they do.
Hardy is currently being held on bond that totals $3,500. He has an extensive history of substance abuse, which have become a permanent dark cloud hovering over his legendary wrestling career. He was scheduled to compete in a high-profile Ladder Match against The Young Bucks and Jurassic Express for the AEW World Tag Team Championships this coming Wednesday on AEW Dynamite.
Hardy last competed alongside his brother Matt at AEW Double or Nothing in a victory over the Young Bucks. Many were quick to point out Hardy’s physical condition as he appeared very banged up. As a precautionary measure, Hardy was pulled from a 10-man tag team match on AEW Dynamite the following Wednesday.
Prior to arriving in AEW, Hardy exited WWE in bizarre fashion during a live event in Edinburgh, Texas. In a now-infamous incident, Hardy abruptly left through the crowd after exhibiting erratic behavior throughout the main event. Hardy was promptly released by WWE after reportedly declining rehab.
Though all signs pointed to yet another relapse for Jeff Hardy in Edinburgh, AEW star Matt Hardy went to bat for his brother, claiming Jeff Hardy passed his final drug test with WWE.
“The erratic behavior is why they gave him a drug test and sent him home,” Matt elaborated.
“He addressed it with me and, as he was saying, he knew at that point…working for WWE is a very stressful job. I am not going here to bury WWE, I love WWE, Vince McMahon, everyone who is there. I wouldn’t be who I am and I wouldn’t have this life right now. I have great appreciation and I’m very grateful for everything I’ve done for them and every opportunity they’ve given me. It’s all good, but it’s also a very stressful environment. Anyone who has worked there knows that. I feel Jeff was stressed out in many ways about several things and he confessed to me that when he went over that guardrail, he knew he was done. He was literally done with the match and he felt done.”
“Even subconsciously, when I went over that guardrail, I mean, I was done,” said Jeff Hardy on an episode of “Talk is Jericho” (h/t Wrestling Inc).
“It was just some unpredictable, erratic behavior that Jeff Hardy does from time to time … Then the next day they say, ‘Go to rehab or we’re going to release you.’”
Despite Hardy’s unfavorable history, including the fresh controversy surrounding his WWE departure, AEW literally couldn’t sign Jeff Hardy fast enough. Hardy debuted with AEW on March 9, immediately after the expiration of his 90-day non-compete clause with WWE.
Pro wrestling’s addiction to Jeff Hardy is every bit as dark as Hardy’s own addictions. Hardy has had legal trouble and struggles with drugs and alcohol during stints in every major wrestling company that has employed him. AEW is no different, as the pro wrestling industry continues to be one of the biggest enablers of Hardy’s never-ending struggles with substance abuse.