Italy Backs A Ban To Protect Its Italian Food Heritage

The Italian governmenthas given its support to a bill that would prohibit the sale of lab-grown meat and other synthetic foods, highlighting Italian food heritage as a leading cause.

If the bill is passed, anyone who violates the ban could face fines of up to €60,000 ($65,017).

Calling for protection of “natural food vs synthetic food”, lobbyists have collected half a million signatures in recent months, including that of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Her government has also recently decreed a ban on the use of insect-derived flour in pizza and pasta.

“We could only celebrate with our farmers a measure that puts our farmers in the vanguard, not just on the issue of defending excellence… but also in defending consumers,” she told a “flash mob” organised by Coldiretti (the main Italian/European association of farmers) outside her office in Rome.

The farming lobby welcomed the move, but animal welfare groups expressed disappointment. They believe that lab-grown meat is a viable solution to issues like carbon emissions and food safety.

“Laboratory products do not guarantee quality, well-being and the protection of the Italian food and wine culture and tradition, to which part of our tradition is linked,” argued Minister Lollobrigida, who is part of the same far-right party as the prime minister.

The proposed bill would cover synthetic foods produced from animal cells without harming the animal, including fish and milk.

Last November, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cleared cell-cultured chicken for human consumption after “careful evaluation”.

No approval has been authorised within the European Union as of yet, but the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has said that cell-based agriculture, such as cultured meat, “could be considered as a promising and innovative solution…for healthy and environmentally friendly food systems”.

Still, Italy would not be able to oppose the sale of synthetic meat produced within the EU if it is granted approval, due to the free movement of goods and services.
