Is Web3 Similar To Playing Minecraft?

web 3.0 NFT

  • Web3 has become a buzzword lately,  specifically for the ones interested in crypto and blockchain tech, where everyone is going to become a part of.
  • Although we are used to purchasing, watching and discovering everything online, we still cannot take the lead.
  • Mammoths such as Meta, Amazon and Google are sitting on top of the world at present, but they are thrilled for the concept growing rapidly everyday.

Minecraft Vs Web3

We are well aware of Web3, but does it connect to Minecraft and metaverse? Web3 is the next iteration of internet and Minecraft is a video game with limitless possibilities.

Minecraft’s evolution can simply be explained as a transformation from building blocks on a PC to building blocks in a metaverse. During March 2022, Minecraft released a latest layer of blockchain, which can enable folks to get accessibility towards Web3 attributes similar to a P2E game, as it allows people to acquire items in Minecraft.

The  Web3 Mechanism

There’s a prime cause for increased user participation, we are still attempting to bag the biggest slice of pie. But now, Web3 is the pipeline, which will shift radically. In the future there will be a change from tech mammoths who are the “commanders”  to the folks who are taking the leap.

NFTs, smart contracts, blockchain tech and cryptocurrency will be a vital element of Web3 functions. Smart contracts are entirely virtual contracts and they are going to take lead in a safe and automated online ecosystem. AI, machine learning and Internet of Things will also have a space on the table, so we can easily imagine what type of revolution this will have on daily internet users.

Minecraft Metaverse?

Minecraft not just allows P2E and steps into Web3 gaming world. It is initially taking steps forward in Metaverse.

The metaverse is a network of all type of 3D digital worlds. NFT Worlds is allowing Metaverse experience,  which is what makes gaming punters, NFT collectors and metaverse fanatics happier.

NFT worlds is not just a limitless realm of distinct Minecraft worlds, but it is also a path to earn money while playing.

Understanding Web3 Via Minecraft

Minecraft renders transition from analog block building to an immersive game experience rather simple and joyful.

Folks can turn Minecraft experiences into anything they want it to be. They can invest, socialize, create and play. For everyone who wants to get onboard on the Web3 boat and traverse through the windows of the Metaverse, can initiate playing the game in a three dimensional world.
