Is The High School English Teacher On The Way To Extinction?

This episode of What’s Ahead is about a mind-blowing new program called ChapGPT from an organization known as OpenAI, one of whose co-founders in 2015 was Elon Musk.

The implications of ChapGPT for writing—and for education itself—is profound. Give the program a subject and within seconds it will type out a full-blown essay. I asked it to do an essay on Winston Churchill’s 1925 decision, which he made as chancellor of the exchequer, to put Britain back on the gold standard. In the batting of an eye, out came a very serviceable piece. I hit the “try again” button, and a new, more thorough version came out.

This episode also refers to a piece written by a humanities teacher on It’s an eye-opener, to say the least.

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