Is Egypt on the verge of a massive financial crisis?

As Egypt inches towards its presidential election set for December 10-12, where Abdel Fattah al-Sisi is expected to clinch a third term, the nation stands at a precarious economic crossroads.

The Egyptian pound is spiraling downwards, foreign currency reserves are thinning out, and inflation is shooting through the roof. This scenario begs the question: Is Egypt teetering on the brink of a massive financial meltdown?

The roots of the crisis

Tracing the origins of Egypt’s economic predicament, it’s clear that this didn’t happen overnight. A blend of historical missteps and recent policy choices have brewed this perfect storm.

Decades of industrial development hindered by inefficient planning and bureaucratic overload have played their part. Add to this a trade policy that perennially favored imports over exports, widening the trade deficit chasm.

But the devil is in the details – an overvalued currency, shaky property rights, and institutions, and an overarching state and military presence have significantly stifled investment and competition. Under Sisi’s reign, Egypt engaged in a borrowing frenzy, amassing a mountain of foreign debt.

Now, with foreign creditors backing away from debt and domestic borrowing costs skyrocketing, the country finds itself in a vicious cycle of expanding deficits and a depreciating currency.

In a bid to rein in the deficit, the government raised prices on subsidized goods and services. However, this move was more of a band-aid than a cure, as the soaring inflation quickly offset any fiscal gains.

Moreover, foreign investment, except in the oil and gas sector, has remained disappointingly low. A significant drop in remittances, a crucial lifeline for the economy, only adds to the woes.

A cascade of economic challenges for Egypt

The Egyptian economy’s growth is losing steam, with the last quarters of 2022 and the first of 2023 witnessing a slowdown. Despite the apparent growth, the burgeoning population, which the World Bank pegged at a 1.7% increase in 2021, has blunted its impact. Many Egyptians now find their living standards deteriorating amidst this economic turmoil.

The currency’s devaluation is stark – the pound has halved in value against the dollar since March 2022. Even with repeated devaluations, the black market rate for the dollar stands much higher than the official rate.

This currency crisis has led to an acute shortage of dollars, hampering imports and leading to a pile-up of goods at ports, further exacerbating the woes of local industries.

Debt servicing has become a herculean task for Egypt, with interest payments eating up a significant portion of the national revenue. The socio-economic fabric is also unraveling, with poverty rates climbing and education systems in disrepair. A considerable number of graduates are seeking opportunities abroad, underscoring the bleak domestic prospects.

Despite these challenges, Egypt has not held back on spending. Under Sisi’s administration, the country has poured funds into massive infrastructure projects, including a new capital city and rapid road construction. Military spending too has seen an uptick, with Egypt emerging as one of the top arms importers globally.

Navigating the storm

In this tumultuous landscape, Egypt’s allies in the West and the Gulf have been its financial lifelines. Post the Ukraine crisis shockwaves, Egypt has seen significant deposits and investments from Gulf allies like Saudi Arabia and the UAE. However, these allies are now seeking more return-focused investments, tightening the financial leeway Egypt once enjoyed.

The IMF remains a critical player, with ongoing negotiations to expand a $3 billion financial support package. However, the IMF’s disbursements are contingent on Egypt committing to a flexible exchange rate and reducing the state and military’s economic footprint.

As Egypt stands at this crucial juncture, the world watches. The decisions made in the coming months will not only shape the country’s economic trajectory but will also be a testament to the leadership’s ability to navigate through these choppy financial waters. The question remains – can Egypt steer clear of a full-blown financial crisis, or is it already too deep into the storm?
