Is California Ready for AI in Government? Governor Newsom’s Initiative

In a bold move that underscores California’s commitment to technological progress, Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order on September 6th, officially launching a comprehensive study to explore the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in government operations. The order specifically targets Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI), a cutting-edge technology that employs advanced learning techniques to create content and data models on demand.

With a thriving AI industry in California, the state seeks to harness this intellectual capital for the betterment of public services. This ambitious endeavor is poised to transform the way the government conducts its business and serves the public.

Governor Newsom’s vision for AI in government

California, home to 35 of the top 50 AI companies globally, is at the forefront of AI innovation. The executive order positions GenAI as a “significant leap forward in technology” capable of generating novel text, images, and content. Governor Newsom, recognizing both the potential benefits and risks, emphasized the need for a balanced approach. He stated that they are neither frozen by fears nor hypnotized by the upside, underlining the state’s cautious and measured approach to AI integration in government.

One of the primary objectives of this initiative is to develop a blueprint for AI development and integration into state operations, building upon the 2022 White House Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights as well as the AI Risk Management Framework from the National Institute of Science and Technology.

The executive order directs state agencies and departments to identify “procurement and enterprise use opportunities” where GenAI can enhance the efficiency, effectiveness, accessibility, and equity of government operations. The order mandates collaboration among various state agencies to produce a report within 60 days, offering insights into the potential benefits and risks associated with adopting AI. Furthermore, it acknowledges the ongoing debate surrounding AI technology and calls for risk assessments, including evaluating legal implications and ensuring transparency and recordkeeping requirements.

Governor Newsom underscored the state’s commitment to a cautious and proactive stance regarding this transformative technology, emphasizing the importance of seeking expert opinions and maintaining a clear, humble perspective. He articulated the state’s dedication to shaping a future characterized by ethical, transparent, and trustworthy AI—a continuation of California’s historical role as a global leader in technological progress.

California’s AI vision faces skeptical voices

While the executive order signifies California’s determination to maintain its leadership in AI technology, it also addresses concerns about evaluating the risks and costs associated with AI integration. From strategic development and training to integration and implementation, the study’s core objective is to identify key stakeholders and develop policy recommendations. However, some lawmakers expressed skepticism regarding the efficacy and cost of the plan, citing concerns about the state’s handling of other critical issues.

Assemblyman James Gallagher (R-Yuba City) expressed skepticism, citing concerns about various issues, including significant fraudulent unemployment payments, delays in infrastructure projects, high unemployment rates, and a perceived failure to address homelessness. He questioned the prioritization of AI regulation by Governor Newsom, suggesting a preference for a governor who prioritizes competence over trendy initiatives.

Timeline for action

Following the governor’s receipt of the initial report by November 5th, guidelines for state agencies are due to be formulated by January. Security analyses will follow, with an anticipated start date for some AI applications in July 2024. A review is scheduled for January 2025 to assess the impacts of AI integration into government operations.

Governor Gavin Newsom’s executive order signals California’s commitment to exploring the transformative potential of AI, particularly GenAI, in government operations. While the move has garnered both excitement and skepticism, it underscores the state’s determination to lead the way in technological progress while maintaining a vigilant and balanced approach to evaluate the risks and benefits of AI integration. The journey toward reshaping the future of government operations through AI has officially begun in the Golden State.
