IRS Hits Microsoft With $29 Billion Back Tax Demand


Microsoft revealed in a filing Wednesday the IRS is seeking an additional tax payment of $28.9 billion in addition to penalties and interest for allocated profits made between 2004 and 2013, a demand the tech giant is willing to go to court to fight if an administrative appeal is unsuccessful.

Key Facts

The appeal process, which will be conducted through the IRS, is “expected to take several years,” according to the filing.

The tax payment being demanded by the IRS is derived from concern the agency has with how Microsoft allocated profits among subsidiaries in different countries and taxing jurisdictions between 2004 and 2013.

Microsoft argues in the filing that its corporate structure has changed since the years covered by the audit, so the issues raised by the IRS aren’t relevant to its current practices.

Taxes paid by Microsoft under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act—a 2017 tax code overhaul—could decrease the final tax owed by the company by up to $10 billion, Microsoft said in the filing.

Microsoft is prepared if it ends up having to pay the back taxes, noting its income tax contingencies are “adequate” as of the end of September and that it doesn’t anticipate a significant change to its tax contingencies for the IRS demand within the next year.

Crucial Quote

“We disagree with the proposed adjustments and will vigorously contest the [notice of proposed tax adjustments] through the IRS’s administrative appeals office and, if necessary, judicial proceedings,” Microsoft said in the filing.

Big Number

More than $67 billion. That’s the amount of taxes Microsoft has paid since 2004, the filing said.

Key Background

Microsoft owns more than 100 subsidiaries worldwide, many of which operate under its customer and partner solutions group. Last year, the company paid nearly $11 billion in income taxes, an 11.7% increase from the previous year. Microsoft is valued at $2.5 trillion as of Wednesday and posted $56.2 billion in sales in the three-month period ending June 30, riding a wave of AI initiatives and tech it has recently become involved with.

Further Reading

Microsoft Earnings: AI Lifts Redmond To Highest Quarterly Sales Ever (Forbes)

Microsoft Stock Has Major Upside, Could Hit $410 On OpenAI Investment Payoff (Forbes)
