InsanityBets (IBET) Leaps Ahead With Its Presale While Avalanche and Cosmos Decline

With over 23,00 cryptocurrencies to pick from, savvy investors need to know which ones make the cut and are worthy of being inside their cryptocurrency wallet and making up their portfolio.

However, only some cryptocurrencies and the underlying project are built equally. Some excel with their value proposition and functionality, while others dip in value over time.

Today, we will go over how Avalanche (AVAX), Cosmos (ATOM), and InsanityBets (IBET) are performing.

The Current Value Behind Avalanche (AVAX) and Cosmos (ATOM)

As of March 24, 2023, the Avalanche (AVAX) cryptocurrency was trading at a value of $17.17. However, within the last 24 hours, its value decreased by 3.06%. From the perspective of the previous seven days, its value increased by 3.95%.

With this in mind, the future value of the AVAX cryptocurrency is uncertain.

On the other hand, the Cosmos (ATOM) cryptocurrency has been on a steady decline.

On March 24, 2023, it was trading at $11.29. In the last seven days, its value decreased by 11.72%. In the previous 24 hours, its value decreased by 4.74%.

With the worrying performance showcased by these cryptocurrencies, investors and traders are looking for alternative cryptocurrencies that can provide them with a lot of value, and the presale behind InsanityBets (IBET) might be just what they are looking for.

InsanityBets (IBET) Looks like The Best Presale Coin of 2024 With Big 1700% Rise In Sight

Transformative Betting Awaits: InsanityBets stands at the forefront of the CasinoFi and GameFi revolution, offering an unprecedented blend of gaming pleasure and economic gain. With a presale launch price of $0.001, targeting a remarkable growth to $0.018, the platform sets you on a path to a possible 1700% gain, all underpinned by the trusted fairness of Chainlink VRF.

Dive Into the ILP: The Insane Liquidity Pool is your gateway to becoming an integral part of the game’s economy. By depositing cryptocurrencies, you don’t just play—you earn, directly benefiting from the platform’s success. This novel approach ensures your gaming experience is both thrilling and financially rewarding.

Be Part of Something Bigger: InsanityBets is more than a game; it’s a community-driven platform where security meets innovation. By staking $IBET, you’re rewarded with $sIBET, holding a 35% share in protocol fees. Here, your involvement goes beyond gaming, contributing to a secure, transparent, and dynamic ecosystem, setting new standards in the world of decentralized betting.

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