Innovative AI Research Lab Draws Inspiration from Nature

A pioneering artificial intelligence (AI) research lab named Sakana is harnessing inspiration from the animal kingdom to tackle the most pressing challenges in the field. This visionary startup, co-founded by former Google employees David Ha and Llion Jones, seeks to revolutionize AI by emulating the movements of fish schools and the coordination seen in bee colonies. While tech giants vie to build ever-larger AI systems, Sakana aims to achieve more with less data.

Deriving its name from the Japanese word for fish, Sakana challenges the status quo in AI development. Instead of constructing monolithic AI systems, the startup intends to create a network of smaller AI models that collaborate harmoniously. The underlying concept is to create a “swarm” of programs that collectively possess the intelligence and capabilities rivaling those of massive undertakings by larger organizations.

This strategy, championed by industry stalwarts David Ha and Llion Jones, holds the potential to yield more cost-effective AI training and utilization compared to existing technologies. Even in generative AI, which has captivated tech hubs with its prowess in generating text and images in response to prompts, Sakana’s approach offers a unique perspective.

Divergence from conventional models

While companies like OpenAI focus on funneling data into a single large AI program, Sakana’s methodology differs. David Ha likened the adaptability of their approach to the dynamic behavior of ants forming a bridge: not the strongest structure, but an immediate and environment-responsive one. This adaptation principle draws from the agility seen in natural algorithms, a core tenet of Sakana’s philosophy.

Leaders with credibility

David Ha and Llion Jones are not newcomers to AI; they have established prominence in the field. Llion Jones, an AI researcher based in Tokyo, co-authored a seminal paper for Google, “Attention Is All You Need,” which underpins numerous popular AI products. David Ha, formerly the head of research at Stability AI, has an extensive background in generative AI from his tenure at Alphabet’s Google Brain in Japan.

While Sakana is in its early stages and hasn’t developed an AI model or established an office yet, its approach is gaining traction. The plan includes opening an office in Tokyo in the near future. Despite the company’s reluctance to comment on its fundraising status, its ideas are grounded in solid research. In his final days at Google, David Ha and a colleague embarked on the “sensory neuron as a transformer” project, exploring the synergy of smaller AI models collaborating to play games.

Inspiration from nature and the human brain

Inspired by the elegance of natural systems, Sakana’s philosophy resonates with the long-standing pursuit of mimicking human brain functionality. Analogous to the neural pathways of the brain, AI models are designed to process information through trial and error. However, Llion Jones acknowledged that, despite AI’s advancements, the human brain still outperforms it, emphasizing that there’s much to learn from the human brain’s subtleties.

A journey from Google to startups

David Ha and Llion Jones, who worked closely at Google’s Tokyo offices, remained connected after Ha’s departure. Both found their paths leading them to startups following their time at the tech giant. David Ha’s role at Stability AI gave him insight into building research teams, fostering a desire to return to hands-on research. Meanwhile, Llion Jones, sensing creative limitations at Google, recognized that he could achieve greater innovation outside the corporate structure.

The idea of establishing Sakana as a startup resonated with Ha and Jones. They acknowledged the nimbleness and velocity offered by a smaller organizational structure, enabling them to explore innovative concepts swiftly. David Ha’s suggestion to form a startup aligned with their shared goals and vision set the stage for the birth of Sakana.

In an industry characterized by grand endeavors, Sakana’s unconventional approach challenges the norm and opens the door to a new era of AI development. With its roots in nature’s intricate mechanisms and the brilliance of the human brain, Sakana sets a course for AI that’s not only advanced but also deeply nuanced.
