Humankind Turned Fiction Into Reality   

From telegrams to telephones, the world advanced rapidly, turning the imagination into reality. Parallel Avatar’s NFT project best represents the scenario and is assumed to transform the world in the upcoming years. Avatars are digitally created unique characters offering an outstanding experience to the growing parallel universe.                                      

Let’s delve into the parallel universe with digitally created profile pictures (PFPs).     

The Journey to Parallel World 

The curiosity of humankind to find an ultimate source of energy to transform the world is surging day by day. With time, something is achieved and there is much more to discover. Parallel Avatar’s NFT project, introduced in January 2023, is all set to offer an immersive experience of the parallel universe.

Streaming over the Ethereum blockchain network, the project offers a collection of 10K unique items categorized into the PFPs category known as Avatars. The digitally created unique characters are available in five special traits, including Romus, Ishkur, Baron Squire, Ilana, and Mirielle. These items offer easy access to the growing parallel universe, earning extra prime, winning prizes, and enjoying future experiences

Other features that made the PFPs more attractive to the NFT world are face features, parallel, torso, weaponry, and headwear. Considering rarity, Naron Quire #2 is one of the rarest items on the list, available at the current price of 69.111 ETH, which is around $112,251.47. In addition, Altea #9,853 and Marine #8,454 are recently listed items available at the current value of 0.3077 ETH and 0.2934 ETH, respectively.  

Prometheus #3,515 is the most expensive item on the list, available at the best price of 420 ETH, or around $680,874.60. Another expensive item on the list is Malachi #4,968, available at the current price of 70.91 ETH. 

If you are looking for cheap items, the project also includes some inexpensive avatars. Asif #10,632 and Jovana #7,273 are the cheapest items available at the price of 0.2488 ETH and 0.25 ETH, respectively. If interested in purchasing classic items, you can go with Shulamit #1,691 and Yasmine #2,852.        

Performance and Facts 

Nowadays, the Parallel Avatars NFT is doing well, breaking records and developing a recognized position in the NFT marketplace. With a total volume of 1,173 ETH, the NFT project is all set to rock the NFT floor. The current floor price of the digitally created avatars is 0.2488 ETH, with the best offer of 0.21 WETH on some items. 

Talking about the community, the project has around 2,283 owners, of whom 21% are unique owners holding at least a single type of NFT from the collection. Looking at the past 24 hours’ performance, the project grasped a volume of 38.45 ETH with total sales of 135, a hike of 2150%. Running over the Ethereum chain, the project is performing outstandingly and is expected to achieve new heights shortly.     


The Parallel Avatars NFT project is all set to bridge the gap between fiction and reality, considering the concept of a parallel universe. The collection of 11K unique items offers an immersive experience for NFT enthusiasts.            

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