How to Stake Enjin in 2024? Earn Up to 28% Staking Rewards

Enjin is a well established blockchain project that specializes in NFTs and blockchain-powered gaming. Although Enjin initially launched their ENJ token on the Ethereum blockchain, the token has been migrated over to the Enjin Blockchain, a new platform that is specifically designed to provide the best experience for NFT users.

ENJ serves as the native asset of Enjin Blockchain and is used for essential functions such as paying transaction fees and participating in governance. ENJ holders can stake their tokens to provide additional security to the network and earn rewards in the form of additional ENJ.

In this article, we will show you how to stake ENJ step-by-step and earn up to 28% APY on your token holdings.

The best way to stake ENJ is to use Enjin Wallet, a multi-chain wallet developed by Enjin. Beyond ENJ staking, you can also use the Enjin Wallet as your go-to crypto wallet, as it supports a very solid selection of cryptocurrencies:

  • Enjin Relaychain
  • Enjin Matrixchain
  • Bitcoin
  • Ethereum
  • BNB Chain
  • Dogecoin
  • Polygon
  • Litecoin
  • Polkadot
  • Kusama
  • Acala 
  • Karura

In this article, we will be focusing our attention on the Enjin Relaychain, which is where ENJ staking and governance takes place.

How to stake Enjin – A step-by-step guide

Before showing you how to stake ENJ, we have to download and set up our Enjin Wallet. The wallet is available on both the iOS and Android operating systems, and you can easily find it in the App Store or the Google Play Store. For your convenience, we’ve included direct links to the wallet application below.

Download for iOS | Download for Android | Download APK

In this guide, we will be using the Enjin Wallet on an Android device, but the process of staking ENJ will be practically identical even if you’re using an iOS device.

1. Initial Enjin Wallet setup

First, let’s download and install Enjin Wallet application.

Enjin Wallet app

Once your Enjin Wallet app is downloaded and installed, open the app and select “Create Wallet”. 

Create Enjin Wallet

The next step is to set up a password that you will use to access your wallet (an alternative way to unlock your wallet is to use biometric authentication, such as your fingerprint). Make sure to choose a secure password.

Enjin Wallet

Now, we get to a very important step, and we recommend that you grab a pen and paper before proceeding. The wallet will give you a 12-word seed phrase that you will be able to use to restore access to your crypto even if you forget your password or lose your phone.

Enjin Wallet backup

The 12-word seed phrase provides the same level of access to your cryptocurrency as your private key. If anyone else sees your 12 word seed phrase, they can steal all of the cryptocurrency in your wallet.

This is why it’s crucial that you don’t keep your seed phrase on a device that’s connected to the internet, as it could be stolen with malware. Use a pen and paper to write the seed phrase down, and store the piece of paper in a secure location. The order of the words has to be correct – the wallet will ask you to confirm the order of the words to make sure you didn’t make any mistakes.

2. Load up your wallet with ENJ

After you back up your seed phrase, you will be able to access your Enjin Wallet. Initially, the wallet will automatically create addresses for Enjin Relaychain, Enjin Matrixchain, Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Since we will be staking on the Enjin Relaychain, we want to get our Enjin Relaychain address. Tap the Enjin Relaychain section (“E” logo with black background).

Enjin Wallet coins

Then, press the copy icon to copy your Enjin Relaychain address to your clipboard. Please note that we already have some ENJ in our wallet in this screenshot (your balance will be 0 ENJ if you just made a new wallet).

Enjin Wallet address

If you have your ENJ on Binance, Kraken, or any other exchange that lists ENJ, you can withdraw your coins to this address. The Enjin Relaychain has very fast transactions and low fees, so the ENJ should arrive in your wallet shortly after you initiate the withdrawal transaction.

In case you already have some cryptocurrency in your wallet but don’t have ENJ, you can use Enjin Wallet’s built-in token swap feature to directly swap your coins for ENJ.

If you have ENJ tokens on the Enjin Matrixchain and you want to stake them, you will have to use the Enjin Wallet’s “Teleport” function to transfer the tokens over to the Enjin Relaychain. To learn more, we recommend you consult Enjin’s guide on how this process works.

3. Stake ENJ

Now that we have some ENJ in our wallet, we’re ready to stake our tokens and start earning rewards.

Before we continue, we should clarify that after you stake your ENJ tokens, you won’t be able to use them in transactions while the tokens remain staked. 

If you want to unstake your ENJ, the wallet will attempt to find liquidity to directly swap your staked ENJ for unstaked ENJ tokens. If there is not enough liquidity, you will have to wait for an unbonding period to complete before you can access your ENJ tokens again. The unbonding period lasts around 28 days.

To start staking, select “Staking” from the menu at the bottom of the wallet interface.

Enjin Wallet staking

Select “Stake Now” to get started with staking, or “View Pools” to see the list of ENJ staking pools. Keep in mind that some staking pools might already be full, so you’ll have to find a staking pool that’s still accepting new staked ENJ tokens. Keep in mind that staking rewards can vary significantly between different staking pools.

Enjin Wallet staking

Next, input the amount of ENJ you want to stake, and choose the pool you want to stake with. The interface will provide an estimate of how much you can expect. In our case, that’s an APY of 18.7%, which translates to about 4.67 ENJ given the amount of tokens we are staking.

Double-check that you have entered the right amount of ENJ. If everything looks good, tap “Verify” to stake your tokens.

Enjin Wallet staking

After confirming, you will receive a notification that your ENJ tokens have been staked successfully.

Enjin Wallet staking

If you go check your Enjin Relaychain balance, you will see that your ENJ tokens are indeed staked and earning rewards.

Enjin Wallet staking

Congratulations on staking your ENJ and helping contribute to the network’s security!

Enjin staking FAQs

Now, let’s quickly address some of the most frequently asked questions about Enjin staking.

How long do I need to stake ENJ for?

You can stake your ENJ tokens for any period you want. 

How often do Enjin staking payout happen?

ENJ stakers receive rewards at the end of each “era” on the Enjin Relaychain blockchain, which translates to roughly every 24 hours.

What is the minimum amount of ENJ I can stake?

The barrier to entry for Enjin Staking is very low, as the smallest amount of ENJ that you can stake is 1 ENJ.

Can I stop staking at any time?

Yes, you can stop staking ENJ at any time you want. If there is enough liquidity to swap your staked ENJ for unstaked ENJ, you can get access to your ENJ balance immediately. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait for an unbonding period of about 28 days to complete before your ENJ tokens are fully unstaked and ready to use.

Is it possible to lose staked ENJ tokens?

Yes, it is possible to lose staked ENJ tokens if the validator you are staking with is found to be acting against the best interests of the network. In such a scenario, the validator would have their staked ENJ “slashed” and your ENJ token balance would decrease. Slashing is an unlikely scenario, but it’s worth to do some due diligence on the validator you’re looking to stake with.
