How TMS Network, Polygon, and NEAR Protocol helps to power Web3?

Web3 – a concept encompassing the internet of the future, has gained so much attention with protocols like Polygon (MATIC) and NEAR Protocol (NEAR) trooping in to push its mainstream adoption. 

As the world moves towards a decentralized future, TMS Network is leading the charge with its cutting-edge solutions to power the nextgen of Web3, paving the way for more decentralized, secure, and transparent trading. This article will explore how TMS Network (TMSN), Polygon (MATIC), and NEAR Protocol (NEAR) are revolutionizing the future of Web3.

TMS Network (TMSN) powering the future of Web3

The future of Web3 is promising, and with the rise of decentralized technologies, TMS Network (TMSN) is positioning itself as a key player in the industry. TMS Network is an Ethereum-based decentralized trading platform that allows users to trade financial assets like Forex, Cryptocurrencies, stocks, and ETFs.

One of the main advantages of the TMS platform is that it allows users to trade without ever needing to open an account. Users can execute trades and control their assets by simply connecting their wallets. This feature provides users with the flexibility and freedom to trade without any restrictions.

The TMS platform is state-of-the-art and has several features that make it unique. The platform includes advanced tools, including strategy builder, price aggregators, real-time price data, on-chain analytics, trading terminals, automated social and copy trading tools, etc. In addition, the TMS platform offers trading lessons and an academy where users can learn to trade like professionals. 

TMS Tokens

As the first ever multi-asset crypto trading network, TMS Network is poised to power the future of Web3. If you want to participate in this growing Web3 revolution, TMSN trades at presale for $0.038. Due to its massive importance, TMSN has accrued over $2.5 million in public and private funding. Even experts are confident that decentralized trading with TMS Network (TMSN) has a bright future.

Building a new Web3 ecosystem with Polygon (MATIC)’s layer 2

Polygon is a blockchain platform that is helping to power the future of Web3 in 2023 and beyond. Since its launch, Polygon has become a popular layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum, offering low gas fees and high flexibility for gaming and NFT projects. Polygon’s focus on the gaming and NFT sector has gained significant traction, ranking 4th in terms of market share of Web3 gamers.

Polygon NFT landscape is dominated by gaming projects, making up 69% of total non-financial NFT volume, currently $1.12 billion. To push the scalability limits, Polygon has allocated $1 billion to develop its proprietary zkEVM technology, aiming to reduce network costs by 90% and increase throughput while maintaining Ethereum’s level of security.

NEAR Protocol (NEAR) pushing Web3 adoption with scalability and interoperability

NEAR Protocol is a layer 1 blockchain network that challenges Ethereum as the most successful layer 1 blockchain for Web3. With the ability to process up to 100,000 transactions per second (TPS), NEAR Protocol is faster than some of its peers, like Solana and Ethereum. At its core, NEAR uses Nightshade, a unique sharding technology that achieves scalability. 

Aside from all these, NEAR Protocol offers cross-chain interoperability through the Rainbow Bridge and a layer-2 Aurora solution. With its unique technology, NEAR Protocol (NEAR) is helping to power the future of Web3 in 2023 and beyond, providing a platform for developers to build decentralized applications and improve upon the issues faced by Ethereum.


Overall, TMS Network (TMSN) is raising the dust with Polygon (MATIC) and NEAR Protocol (NEAR) as the next-gen protocols for the Web3 future, paving the way for a more decentralized, secure, and transparent internet. TMS Network offers excellent decentralized trading with unique features, including advanced trading tools, educational materials, etc. 

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