How Hawex is above the Banks?

Hawex is a financial organization built on the following tenets: high security, quality, individual client attention, and adaptable payment methods. Our products include KYC/AML for your security, Business Accounts, and Payment Gate.

Hawex: Bringing Crypto and Fiat Closer Together for Smooth Business Transactions

The development of cryptocurrencies has without a doubt altered the way we think about payments and transactions, according to the Hawex Team.

It has the potential to overtake cash as the preferred means of payment for consumers and organizations globally due to its capacity to function independently of conventional banking institutions and its widespread acceptance.

For three years, Hawex has been crafting trustworthy and feature-packed solutions for both individuals and organizations, using the power of blockchain and Web 3.0 technology, as an ambitious financial company.

Hawex – KYC and AML

The majority of services are now offered online. In the fields we are familiar with, it has brought about a variety of new notions and phrases. There was no exception in the financial landscape. So, while discussing the general security of financial transactions, KYC and AML cannot be ignored. Despite what many people think, these terms are not completely interchangeable.

The CEO of Hawex, Romans Nekrutenko, explains the distinctions between KYC and AML using his company’s processes as examples. 

When analyzing a company’s activities and computing the fight against financial crime, the initial terms to consider are AML and KYC. Hawex, like many others, has its own AML policy, which is a collection of guidelines and precautions used to spot dubious financial activities and lessen the probability of converting illegal monies into lawful ones. As a component of these procedures, KYC denotes that the business has established and verified the client’s identification. As a result, KYC is a component of the AML complex, but these ideas should not be confused.

The Hawex AML policy is based on a set of rules and suggestions put forth by the nation’s regulatory body. Hawex implements internal control mechanisms and does customer due diligence to comply with legal standards. This makes it easier to spot and swiftly put an end to unlawful plans, such as funding terrorists and avoiding punishment.

Hawex KYC: The business is aware of its clients

The services require us to take a picture of ourselves and an identification document in real-time when opening an electronic wallet or a banking product. This is the main KYC check for any financial service provider, including Hawex, and it’s required to compare the data from the document and the individual buying the goods.

There are no barriers to cooperation if the genuine owner of the document, who is not on any sanctions lists or other undesirable lists, wishes to use the services. Financial institutions frequently view a potential client’s adamant desire to stay anonymous as the first indication that they are unreliable; after all, only those with legal employment and genuine means of support should be trusted.

Hawex services

Hawex, a fintech company in the financial market, offers two primary types of services to its clients. Firstly, it provides retail banking products such as account opening, cryptoprocessing, and internet acquiring connection for businesses. Secondly, it offers comprehensive solutions including SaaS development and legal support for clients who want to establish a company. The complex service allows clients to swiftly and affordably venture into the financial technology industry with their card product, PSP, exchange platform, or cryptocurrency exchange.

Products from Hawex cater to various customer demands, from daily tasks like using cryptocurrencies to pay for goods and services to business requirements. The most popular services today are those that seamlessly combine fiat and cryptocurrencies. For example, Hawex products allow clients to realize all these possibilities.

The expansion of the selection of offers that satisfy users’ current needs is the goal of Hawex’s service development. The company is researching market demands to identify and develop services that can be integrated into the bank’s B2B framework.

By outsourcing and expanding the number of partners and providers, Hawex can maintain quality while increasing the range of its financial services.

Hawex decentralization

Web 3.0, a fast-evolving vision of the Internet’s future, is built on the idea of decentralization and will let users own and control portions of the world network. Decentralized finance is undoubtedly a key element of Web 3.0 today. In the financial and closely related aspects of human life, Web 3.0 technologies eliminate a single point of centralization and establish a point of trust.

Web3.0 and Hawex’s

The ease of using Web 3.0 technologies is the second most important factor in their favor. Hawex offers users items that expedite payment procedures and manage interfaces with affiliated banks and payment companies. The user can automate their business logic and create several payment scenarios as a result.

For instance, you can avoid the requirement for several connections by writing a specific smart contract and connecting to the blockchain, which is regarded as the industry standard. Hawex IO optimizes the software to ensure that its operating systems perform as effectively as possible for consumers.

Hawex Mobile 

Hawex Mobile is a financial app available on both Android and iOS platforms. Its primary feature is the seamless integration between cryptocurrencies and cash, which allows customers to meet their daily financial needs.

Hawex Mobile’s main advantage for users is its currency conversion feature, which simplifies the payment process. For example, if a user wants to pay for goods or services with their cryptocurrency, but the merchant only accepts fiat payments, they can use Hawex Mobile to pay in Bitcoin, and the merchant will receive the payment in fiat currency instantly, thanks to the internal conversion feature.

Hawex offers solutions that prioritize high security, quality, personalized client attention, and flexible payment methods. Its product lineup includes Business Accounts, Payment Gate, and KYC/AML for added security.

Hawex Group Ltd

[email protected]

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