How Do They Function? – Cryptopolitan

Symmetric encryption and asymmetric encryption are two primary forms of data encryption used today. You may encounter these encryption processes every day while using your web browser, responding to emails, or submitting website forms. If you have used OpenSSL, key management services, or encrypted an email or a password-protected Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF file before, you are already familiar with these encryption types.

In order to ensure secure communication, it is crucial to grasp the dissimilarities between symmetric and asymmetric encryption and comprehend their functioning. Recognizing the significance of these terms, understanding their variations, exploring their multiple types, assessing their capabilities, and determining which one is more appropriate for safeguarding and verifying the source of confidential data would become easier.

This Cryptopolitan guide will cover the distinctions between symmetric and asymmetric encryption. Finally, we’ll summarize these distinctions and explore other encryption alternatives for safeguarding your confidential data.

What is symmetric encryption?

Symmetric encryption is a popular method for protecting data. It involves using a single secret key to both encrypt and decrypt information. The key is applied to the plaintext for encryption and to the ciphertext for decryption.

One of the oldest and widely used encryption techniques is symmetric encryption. It dates back to the days of the Roman Empire, with Caesar’s cipher being a famous example of its use by Julius Caesar to encrypt his military correspondence.

Symmetric encryption is widely used in various industries that deal with sensitive information such as defense, aerospace, banking, healthcare, and others. Its primary objective is to protect confidential data belonging to individuals, businesses, or organizations.

How does symmetric encryption work?

Symmetric encryption uses a stream or block cipher to encode and decode data. A stream cipher processes one byte of plaintext at a time, while a block cipher processes entire blocks of plaintext using a specific key length such as 128, 192, or 256 bits.

In order to transfer data using symmetric encryption, senders and recipients need to share a secret key. Senders will use this key to encrypt their data before sharing it with recipients, who will use the same key to decrypt and read the data. Recipients may also need to use the key to encrypt their responses.

Symmetric encryption works like this: if Claire wants to send a confidential document to Jacqueline, she will use a secret key to encrypt the file and send it to Jacqueline. Jacqueline will not be able to read it until she enters the same key that Claire used to encrypt the document. On the other hand, if Jacqueline wants to share the modified document with Claire, she will use the same key to re-encrypt the file and send it back to Claire. Claire will then use the same key to decrypt the file and access its contents, thus repeating the process.

Although symmetric encryption allows for data to be shared between multiple people, it is important to keep the secret key confidential. If the key falls into the hands of unauthorized individuals, they would be able to access the encrypted information. This is why maintaining the confidentiality of the key is crucial for the effectiveness of symmetric encryption and the security of encrypted data.

What are some examples of symmetric encryption?

Here are some  examples of symmetric encryption:

  • Data Encryption Standard (DES)
  • Triple Data Encryption Standard (Triple DES)
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
  • International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA)
  • TLS/SSL protocol

The AES encryption is a highly secure symmetric encryption technique that uses block ciphers of either 128, 192, or 256 bits to encrypt and decrypt data. Its effectiveness is well-known, and it is commonly used to safeguard sensitive information in healthcare, banking, government, and other industries. Compared to other encryption techniques like DES, Triple DES, and IDEA, AES is much more secure. It would take billions of years to crack, making it an ideal choice for data security purposes.

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) no longer considers DES encryption to be effective in protecting sensitive data from brute-force attacks. As a result, it has withdrawn the standard entirely. Similarly, Triple DES encryption, which is more secure than DES, is also being phased out by the NIST due to increasing security concerns. Although Triple DES encryption is still in use currently, it will be disallowed by the NIST in 2023.

What are some advantages of symmetric encryption?

Today, symmetric encryption is a popular choice because it allows for fast encryption and decryption of large amounts of data. It’s also straightforward to implement and use, with AES being a highly secure iteration of this type of encryption.

Some advantages of symmetric encryption include:

  • Security: It would take billions of years to use brute-force attacks to crack symmetric encryption algorithms such as AES.
  • Speed: Symmetric encryption is faster than asymmetric encryption because it has shorter key lengths and is relatively simpler to execute.
  • Industry adoption and acceptance: AES, which is a symmetric encryption algorithm, has gained wide adoption and acceptance in the industry due to its security and speed benefits. It has been considered as the gold standard for data encryption for many years.

What are some disadvantages of symmetric encryption?

The main drawback of symmetric encryption is its reliance on a single secret key for both encrypting and decrypting data. If this key is stored insecurely on a computer, hackers can use software-based attacks to access it, rendering the encryption useless.

If one entity encrypts data in one location and another entity decrypts it in another location, the key will have to be transmitted, which could be intercepted if the transmission channel is not secure.

It is important to secure the encryption key both when it is being stored and when it is being transferred. If you fail to do so, your important data may become accessible to cyberattackers, both independent and state-sponsored ones. Such data could include mission-critical, safety-critical, or legally protected information.

Symmetric encryption is not as secure as asymmetric encryption, although it is faster. This is the only major disadvantage of symmetric encryption.

What is asymmetric encryption?

Asymmetric encryption, also called public-key cryptography or public-key encryption, works differently than symmetric encryption. Instead of using one secret key for both encryption and decryption, asymmetric encryption uses mathematically linked public and private key pairs to protect sensitive information sent between users.

In asymmetric encryption, plaintext is also transformed into ciphertext and vice versa through encryption and decryption. However, unlike symmetric encryption, two distinct key pairs are utilized for encryption.

How does asymmetric encryption work?

To explain asymmetric encryption, let’s consider Claire and Jacqueline who want to send a confidential file to each other. To begin with, they will exchange their public keys. Then, whenever Claire needs to send a file to Jacqueline, she will use Jacqueline’s public key to encrypt the file. This ensures that only Jacqueline can read the file. 

Similarly, when Jacqueline needs to send a file to Claire, she will use Claire’s public key to encrypt the file. Jacqueline will decrypt the file using her private key, which is a secret known only to her. Therefore, only Jacqueline can access the contents of the file, and not even Claire can decrypt it. To send the file back to Claire, Jacqueline will follow the same process. She will encrypt the file using Claire’s public key, and then Claire will use her private key to decrypt it.

However, the security of either method depends primarily on the size of the keys and the security of the media used for storing or transmitting cryptographic keys.

As is considered more secure than symmetric encryption because it doesn’t involve sharing the same encryption and decryption key among multiple parties, which is a requirement in symmetric encryption. In an asymmetric cryptosystem, users each have their own unique public and private key pairs. The public keys are used for encryption only and are exchanged. There is no risk of unauthorized decryption by hackers if the public keys become known because the hackers would also need the private keys, which are kept private by the users.

Unlike symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption enables digital signature authentication. This process involves digitally signing messages or files using private keys and verifying that they come from the correct sender by using the corresponding public keys.

What are some examples of asymmetric encryption?

Examples of asymmetric encryption include:

  • Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA)
  • The Digital Signature Standard (DSS).
  • Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC)
  • The Diffie-Hellman exchange method
  • TLS/SSL protocol

What are some advantages of asymmetric encryption?

Here are the Advantages of using asymmetric encryption:

Key distribution not necessary: The challenge of securing key distribution channels in cryptography has been a long-standing issue. However, the use of asymmetric encryption eliminates the need for key distribution altogether. This is achieved by exchanging necessary public keys through public-key servers, without risking the security of encrypted messages. It’s because public keys cannot be exploited to derive private keys.

Exchange of private keys not necessary: For asymmetric encryption, it’s important to keep the private keys in a secure location that only the authorized entities can access. It is crucial not to exchange the keys over an unsecure communication channel because they are necessary to decrypt sensitive information. This is a key element in ensuring the security and integrity of encrypted messages.

Digital signature/message authentication: Asymmetric encryption allows senders to utilize their private keys to validate that a message or file actually came from them and not from an unreliable third party.

What are some disadvantages of asymmetric encryption?

Asymmetric encryption is slower than symmetric encryption due to its longer key lengths and more complex calculations.

The reason for using extraordinarily long key lengths in asymmetric encryption is to make it nearly impossible to crack private keys using public keys, which are mathematically linked in theory. However, this may change in the future.

To sum it up, symmetric encryption is a faster method compared to asymmetric encryption. Asymmetric encryption prioritizes security over speed whereas symmetric encryption prioritizes speed over security.

Although symmetric encryption is not necessarily insecure, poorly managed symmetric encryption cryptosystems still pose certain information security risks that can be eliminated by using the foundation of asymmetric encryption.

So, which one is better? 

When evaluating which is “better” between asymmetric and symmetric encryption and decryption algorithms, the answer depends largely on the specific context of the situation and what the encryption will be used for. 

Symmetric encryption, where the same key is used for both encryption and decryption, is known for its efficiency. It is considerably faster and requires less computational resources than asymmetric encryption. This makes it an excellent choice for encrypting large amounts of data, particularly in settings where speed is crucial. Examples of symmetric algorithms include AES (Advanced Encryption Standard), DES (Data Encryption Standard), and 3DES.

However, symmetric encryption has a significant weakness: the key distribution problem. If the encryption key is intercepted during transmission, the security of the encrypted data is compromised. Consequently, secure transmission of the encryption key is critical. This often proves challenging over insecure networks, which is a common scenario in today’s digital world.

In contrast, asymmetric encryption, also known as public-key cryptography, uses a pair of keys: a public key for encryption and a private key for decryption. The significant advantage of this method is that it solves the key distribution problem. Since the public key can be openly distributed and only the private key needs to remain secret, it significantly enhances security over insecure networks. Widely used asymmetric algorithms include RSA, DSA, and ECC.

However, asymmetric encryption is computationally intensive, meaning it’s slower and requires more processing power than symmetric encryption. This makes it less suitable for encrypting large volumes of data.


Both symmetric and asymmetric encryption have their respective roles in ensuring the security of our digital communications. Symmetric encryption, with its efficiency and speed, is best suited for encrypting large amounts of data, while asymmetric encryption addresses the critical issue of secure key distribution. 

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each is crucial to effectively leveraging them in various security scenarios. A hybrid approach, combining the benefits of both, is commonly employed to maximize efficiency and security. Remember, the “better” choice is circumstantial, and the selection depends on the specific situation.

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Is symmetric encryption more secure than asymmetric encryption?

Not necessarily. While symmetric encryption uses a single key, making it seemingly less complex, it can be very secure when the key is kept secret. Asymmetric encryption, with two keys, can also be secure, but its security depends on the private key remaining confidential.

Does the length of the key impact the security in symmetric and asymmetric encryption?

Yes, the length of the key directly impacts the security. In general, longer keys offer more security, but also require more computational resources.

Can quantum computing break symmetric and asymmetric encryption?

Quantum computers have the potential to break many current encryption algorithms. Asymmetric encryption is particularly vulnerable, but symmetric encryption is considered more resistant, although not entirely immune.

Are there alternatives to symmetric and asymmetric encryption?

Symmetric and asymmetric are the two primary categories of encryption. However, within these categories, there are numerous algorithms, each with different characteristics. There are also emerging encryption methods such as quantum encryption.

How does a hybrid encryption system work?

In a hybrid system, asymmetric encryption is first used to securely exchange a symmetric key. Then, this symmetric key is used to encrypt and decrypt the main communication or data, leveraging the speed of symmetric encryption.

Why isn’t asymmetric encryption used for all communications if it’s more secure?

While asymmetric encryption is secure, it is also much slower and requires more computational resources than symmetric encryption. This makes it impractical for large volumes of data or real-time communications.

How can I choose the right encryption method for my needs?

The choice depends on various factors including the volume of data, need for speed, available computational resources, and the nature of the communication channel (secure or insecure).

Are symmetric and asymmetric encryption used in blockchain technology?

Yes, blockchain technology typically uses a combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption to ensure the security and integrity of data across the distributed ledger.

How does encryption affect data storage and transmission?

Encryption can increase the size of data, impacting storage requirements and transmission speed. However, it is crucial for maintaining data integrity and confidentiality.
