Here Are The Allegations Against George Santos, Indicted On Fraud Charges


Here are the specific allegations against GOP Rep. George Santos (R-NY), the disgraced first-term Congressman whose four months in office have been riddled with scandal, as outlined in a federal indictment Wednesday morning charging him with fraud and money laundering, among other allegations.

Key Facts

According to the indictment, Santos orchestrated a scheme in the months leading up to the 2022 midterm elections to defraud his donors by directing them to submit funding to a Florida-based LLC, under the false pretense their campaign contributions would be directed to his campaign, but in reality he spent thousands of those dollars on designer clothes and to pay off credit cards.

Santos maintained the scheme by directing a New York City political consultant (referred to as “Person #1” in the indictment) to lie to his supporters, telling them the LLC—which had not been registered with the Federal Elections Commission—was a “social welfare organization” and an “independent expenditure committee” that spent contributions directly on Santos’ election bid, according to the indictment.

Santos allegedly made false statements to Person #1 about the “nature” of the LLC, and what the contributions would be used for, in an attempt to push that false narrative to his supporters.

During the months before the elections in November, Santos collected contributions through the LLC in excess of the $2,900 threshold under the Federal Election Campaign Act, and asked two contributors for thousands of dollars for TV ads, and wired two separate $25,000 contributions they made to the LLC, only to transfer the money into a bank account he controlled, according to the indictment.

Santos, who announced his reelection bid last month, allegedly used those funds for “luxury designer clothing, credit card payments, a car payment, payments on personal debts, and one or more bank transfers” to “personal associates.”

The indictment also alleges Santos applied for unemployment insurance benefits through the state of New York for nearly a year, falsely claiming he was unemployed since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, despite making a $120,000 yearly salary as a regional director at a Florida investment firm.

While he was a candidate in his failed House bid in 2020 and during his 2022 campaign, Santos also allegedly failed to file financial disclosure statements, and falsified financial statements in both election cycles.

Key Background

Less than two weeks after he flipped New York’s 3rd Congressional seat red in the midterm elections, Santos, who is openly gay, told WNYC he lost four employees at the 2016 mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, though a New York Times report later found none of the victims had worked for him. A bombshell Times report in December found Santos fabricated his workplace experience on his resume—which his attorney Joseph Murray denied at the time. Additional details emerged in the weeks that followed about the first-term Republican’s alleged lies, including his assertion his mother died in the 9/11 terrorist attacks at the World Trade Center, despite a 2003 green card application that showed she hadn’t been in the U.S. since 1999, and his claim that his grandparents fled Ukraine during World War II, even though genealogy records show they were born in Brazil, The Forward reported (Santos claimed he had been told the story growing up). Santos, whose real name is Anthony Devolder Santos, is under a House Ethics Committee in March probe into Santos focusing on sexual misconduct and campaign finance violation allegations, on top of a Brazilian probe reopened in January into allegations he spent $700 with a false checkbook and fake name in 2008.

What To Watch For

Any Republican reaction. Despite overwhelming condemnation from congressional Democrats, and calls to resign from some Republicans, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) has so far refused to push for his resignation, telling reporters on Tuesday he will only call for Santos’ resignation if he is found guilty.

Further Reading

George Santos Charged With Federal Wire Fraud And Money Laundering (Forbes)

George Santos Indicted: Republican Lawmakers Criticize GOP Rep.—But McCarthy Still Won’t Push Him To Resign (Forbes)

Disgraced Rep. George Santos Announces 2024 Reelection Campaign (Forbes)
