HBAR Foundation now supports Yamgo

HBAR Foundation now supports Yamgo

Yamgo has announced receiving support from the HBAR Foundation. The partnership’s objective is to accelerate the adoption of the ecosystem of Hedera, further solidifying the commitment to bringing more brands to the metaverse.

The expansion will likely cover retail consumers and brands; however, the focus will be on getting more brands to the platform. Yamgo will prioritize the advertisement partners who have worked with them in the past.

What strengthens this partnership is the advertisement arm of Yamgo, AdsDax. The advertisement venture leverages the capabilities of Hedera to create advertisement campaigns that are resistant to fraudulent activities. It combines brand distribution and rich media advertising experience, complemented by immutable tracking.

AdsDax is now a leading force in the advertisement sphere. It is a subsidiary of Yamgo, always aiming to onboard the latest technology for innovation in advertisement.

While AdsDax puts Yamgo at the forefront of building a brand with innovation, Yamgo also excels in marketing content and working tirelessly in the blockchain & DLT industries. Partnering with the HBAR Foundation is a part of Yamgo’s endeavors, wherein it looks to build a network with top global brands to deliver value to its partners and clients.

Ian Mullins, the Chief Executive Officer of Yamgo, has said that they are honored to work with the Foundation, enabling them to further the mission of accelerating the usage of Hedera and bringing more brands to the ecosystem. Calling this a real opportunity, Ian highlighted that the vast experience of working with big brands puts them in an ideal position.

Mullins has expressed confidence that the upcoming metaverse will provide a much broader scope to brands for engaging with the community.

Ryan Davies, the Chief Product Officer of Yamgo, has called this partnership a testament to their hard work & dedication, adding that they are excited about this opportunity. Ryan has further acknowledged that the scope arises from the brands looking to enter the metaverse to better engage with the community.

Many users are headed toward the digital world, for it allows them to try out games, connect, and meet their favorite personalities.

Alex Russman from the HBAR Foundation said they are delighted to support Yamgo in accelerating the adoption of Hedera Hashgraph. Also, Alex has added that the proven track record played a crucial role in finalizing the partnership with Yamgo. The Vice President & Head of the Metaverse at the Foundation concluded, saying they are now looking forward to experiencing the positive impact on the ecosystem.

The native token, HBAR, is currently exchanging hands at $0.0522. Per our HBAR forecast, the price could dance around $0.055 by the end of the current year. Assuming partnerships like these play in favor of the ecosystem, it may even go as long as $0.28.

Yamgo and the HBAR Foundation partnering to accelerate the adoption of Hedera will see more brands connect with the ecosystem.

Source: https://www.cryptonewsz.com/hbar-foundation-now-supports-yamgo/