GitHub urges the European Union to reconsider its AI Act

In a joint effort, GitHub, Hugging Face, Creative Commons, and other tech companies have penned an open letter appealing to European Union (EU) policymakers to revise certain aspects of the EU’s Artificial Intelligence Act. The letter expresses concerns that upcoming rules may inadvertently impede the development of open-source artificial intelligence (AI) models.

GitHub joins other firms in an open letter to the EU

The primary contention raised in the GitHub open letter is that treating upstream open-source projects as if they were commercial products or deployed AI systems could hinder the progress of open-source AI development. GitHub and the other tech firms argue that such an approach is incompatible with the principles of open-source development and could pose challenges for individual developers and non-profit research organizations. In order to ensure that the AI Act accommodates open-source models effectively, the group has outlined five key suggestions.

Firstly, GitHub and the other firms recommend clear definitions of AI components to provide better understanding and clarity. Secondly, the letter calls for explicit provisions to confirm that collaborative development on open-source models does not subject developers to the bill’s requirements. The third suggestion centers on granting researchers exceptions, allowing limited testing of open-source models in real-world conditions. Additionally, the tech companies propose implementing proportional requirements for “foundation models” to ensure fair and balanced regulations.

Open source software, by definition, is accessible to anyone as its source code can be examined, modified, and enhanced by the community. In the field of artificial intelligence, open-source software plays a pivotal role in training and deploying models, fostering collaboration, and driving innovation. The European Parliament approved the AI Act in June with an overwhelming majority of 499 votes in favor, 28 against, and 93 abstentions. However, the Act will only become law once it secures a consensus from the EU Council, which represents the 27 member states.

The group underscores the importance of AI regulation

This process involves individual negotiations with member states to refine the Act’s details. The open letter commends the EU’s initiative to set a global precedent in regulating AI to address its inherent risks while fostering innovation. The signatories acknowledge that proper regulation is crucial to managing AI risks and ensuring transparency, collaboration, and accountability among diverse stakeholders. The letter underscores that the AI Act presents a unique opportunity to achieve these goals through increased transparency and cooperation.

By establishing clear standards and oversight, as well as mechanisms for addressing potential harms, the Act can strike a balance between risk mitigation and fostering AI innovation. The proposed revisions to the Act seek to address concerns specific to open-source AI development. Emphasizing the significance of open-source projects in driving AI advancements, the tech firms advocate for regulatory measures that complement the collaborative nature of open-source development.

GitHub, Hugging Face, Creative Commons, and other tech companies have united to call on EU policymakers to reconsider certain aspects of the AI Act. They highlight the necessity of creating regulations that respect the essence of open-source development and facilitate the responsible growth of AI technology. As the EU moves forward with the Act’s implementation, striking a balance between regulation and innovation will be pivotal in shaping the future of AI in Europe.
