GameSwift integrates with Arbitrum to scale Web3 gaming

Look into the future, where games offer far more than only entertainment. They deliver a whole new level of engagement, freedom, and flexibility. In this world, players can fully immerse in digital experiences and engage with their favorite games in ways that weren’t possible before.

A scalable and efficient environment has become more critical than ever to realize this vision. And today, we’re taking the next step forward toward that goal.

We’re excited to announce that GameSwift, the first modular Web3 gaming ecosystem, is integrating with Arbitrum, the leading Ethereum Layer2 scaling solution, to scale Web3 gaming.

Thanks to GameSwift’s modular ecosystem letting game developers focus on building their games without bothering about web3 infrastructure with Arbitrum’s growing reach in the Web3 gaming space, this integration is a powerful next step in developing and adopting Web3 games. It aims to grow the industry toward the direction of seamless, easily accessible, and fun Web3 games.

Arbitrum is known to a broader crypto audience as the most active Ethereum Layer2, commanding a total of $3.57 billion TVL on its chain. On 23rd March 2023, Arbitrum launched its token $ARB by airdropping 11.62% of the total supply to early users and transitioning the network governance to a DAO. Arbitrum’s daily transactions have increased dramatically since 2022, recently reaching a record high of 250 million.

Powering the adoption of Web3 games and supercharging their development

With integration with the GameSwift Platform, ID, and Launcher, Web3 games built on the Arbitrum network will be available on our platform. It allows for enhanced, dynamic growth of Arbitrum’s Web3 gaming space by providing users access to an all-in-one GameSwift ecosystem explicitly designed for the needs of gamers and game developers.

By connecting Arbitrum’s technology and consistently growing user base with GameSwift’s comprehensive ecosystem of gaming-focused products, we will power the adoption of Web3 games and supercharge their development in the most welcoming environment.

GameSwift x Arbitrum is an integration of two accessibility pioneers sharing the goal of providing players and developers unparalleled access to the growing space of decentralized games. Our vision is to revolutionize how users interact with the Web3 gaming space. We want developers to build user-focused decentralized games that benefit from Arbitrum’s technology and scalability and allow players to enjoy their gaming experiences on a whole new level.

Arbitrum One leads the way for all Ethereum layer2 scaling solutions

Arbitrum One, the flagship chain of Arbitrum, provides ultra-fast, low-cost transactions with security derived from Ethereum. It is an Optimistic Rollup solution that is EVM-compatible to the bytecode level and has over 50% TVL in the L2 segment. Since its launch in August 2021, an astounding number of 400 DeFi and NFT projects have gone live in the Arbitrum ecosystem.

In August 2022, Arbitrum One underwent an upgrade to the Nitro tech stack, which brought a 7-10x upgrade to its scaling capabilities, enabling fraud proofs over the core engine of Geth compiled to WASM. This upgrade has made it one of the market’s most reliable and efficient scaling solutions.

Arbitrum Nova – An answer to the gaming protocols needs

Arbitrum Nova, the AnyTrust solution from Arbitrum, is a perfect answer to the needs of gaming, metaverse, and SocialFi projects, allowing for instant confirmation and transactions below $0.01 with minimal trust assumptions. Since August 2022, it has been the home for Reddit community token holders from r/Cryptocurrency and r/FortniteBR.

GameSwift + Arbitrum: A leap forward for the gaming industry

With GameSwift’s integration with Arbitrum, the gaming industry is set to take a giant leap forward, providing users with a gaming-optimized, favorable environment. With this integration, massive adoption is getting closer.

We look forward to seeing the Web3 gaming space grow and scale beyond the limits and the innovative gaming experiences developers will create with solutions powered by GameSwift x Arbitrum integration.

Head to the links below to learn more about either project and expand your Web3 gaming knowledge.

Get to know GameSwift:

Website | Twitter | Telegram | Discord | YouTube | LinkedIn

And learn more about Arbitrum:

Website | Twitter | Discord | Telegram
