Gamestarter ties up with Ava Labs and unveils GameChain

Gamestarter ties up with Ava Labs and unveils GameChain

Gamestarter inks a calculated deal with Ava Labs on the Avalanche network and simultaneously delivers GameChain, an exclusive game boosted by Avalanche. GameChain is a game-oriented layer 1. 

The tie-up is a step in the direction of Gamestarter’s pledge towards creating a robust ecosystem wherein gamers, builders, and investors are provided the opportunity to exist. The company is known to have more than fifty projects for which they have carried out funding activities and remain holding on to their reputation of being one of the initiators of Web3 gaming, with the support of various VCs and industry. 

Where GameChain is concerned, it is the technological base associated with the Gamestarter ecosystem, easing the process of delivering inventive blockchain-oriented games. 

GameChain helps ease blockchain incorporation via its software development kit (SDK) and inbuilt cross-bridge functions. This enables uninterrupted asset shifts throughout multiple blockchains. 

The node holders of GameChain come in for exclusive rewards from a disbursement mechanism amounting to 25% of the entire $GAME quantity and 10% of tokens from forthcoming IDO releases on GamePad. In addition, they can fetch 35% of the total transaction fees accumulated on-chain. The aim of gamestarter is to continue to introduce new-age games to the Web3 arena, along with strong content. 

Presently, more than fifty games are on the anvil to be introduced on the latest platform, as well as three games being built in Gamestarter’s own GGXYZ. These include OverTrip, Dark Frontiers, and Pixel Pix. Over and above that, the company is furthering its framework by introducing fresh items like GameHub, GameID, and more. 

Gamestarter delivers the initial game-oriented platform and is presently known as a prime player in the Web3 gaming space. 

Avalanche, on the other hand, is a smart contracts base, able to upgrade endlessly, with periodic finalyzing of transactions in the blink of an eye. Its unique consensus protocol, Subnet framework, and HynerSDK tools allow Web3 builders to deliver customized blockchain services.
