Gaetz Slams Republican Impeachment Inquiry Of Biden As Not “Serious” In Leaked Video


Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) criticized House Republicans’ recent effort to impeach President Joe Biden saying it was not done in a “legitimate” or “serious” way, a video obtained by NBC News shows, raising questions of whether he will support Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), who is a leading candidate to become House speaker, but also the leader in charge of the Biden impeachment inquiry.

Key Facts

Gaetz, along with Rep. Matt Rosendale (R-Mont.), expressed doubt about the impeachment inquiry—launched to investigate any possible connection President Joe Biden may have to his son’s foreign business dealings—while appearing at an invitation-only fundraiser on September 26, NBC reported.

Gaetz, who was speaking during a moderated discussion with Steve Bannon, a former Trump advisor, said the inquiry was like a “forever war” of impeachment, “like many of our forever wars, it will drag on forever and end in a bloody draw.”

Gaetz said his comments against Reps. Jordan or James Comer (R-Ky.), who are both leading the impeachment charge, were not personal but added that if the impeachment effort were “serious” then “we would have sent a subpoena to Hunter Biden.”

Gaetz led the charge to oust Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) as House speaker earlier this week, which Rosendale backed as a fellow member of the Freedom Caucus.

Crucial Quote

“I just don’t get the sense that it’s for the sake of impeachment,” Gaetz reportedly said during the fundraiser. “I think it’s for the sake of having another bad thing to say about Joe Biden.”

News Peg

Eight House Republicans voted earlier this week to oust the House speaker for the first time in U.S. history. In the days since, congressional Republicans have publicly backed a number of candidates including Rep. Steve Scalise (R-L.A.) and Jordan, who earned the crucial support of ex-President Trump, and who has long been championing the House impeachment effort against Biden.

Key Background

The video is not the first time Gaetz has criticized the impeachment inquiry. When McCarthy first launched the formal impeachment inquiry, Gaetz said the Speaker’s efforts were a “baby step.” Gaetz repeatedly asked McCarthy to subpoena Hunter Biden for the investigation. At one point he even drafted the subpoena, posted it on social media and said if McCarthy were “serious” he’d sign it. Gaetz argued the House needed to move faster on the investigation so “the American people get to see who’s fighting for them and who’s willing to tolerate more corruption and business as usual.” Those comments were just some of the public criticism Gaetz threw at McCarthy since the former speaker took over in January.

Further Reading

Biden Impeachment Inquiry: All The Allegations Against The President Leveled By House GOP, Explained (Forbes)

Far-Right Gaetz Slams McCarthy Over ‘Baby Step’ Biden Impeachment Probe (Forbes)
