FTX’s financial crisis: Can payments to celebrity athletes be reversed?

In a shocking revelation, FTX, the cryptocurrency platform founded by Sam Bankman-Fried, is investigating the possibility of reversing millions in payments made to high-profile athletes and teams. This comes in the wake of the company’s unexpected collapse last November. Financial advisers working on behalf of FTX have recently disclosed in court documents their ongoing analysis into whether certain payments made to athletes before the company’s downfall can be reclaimed under Chapter 11 bankruptcy provisions.

The athletes and teams under scrutiny

Among the notable figures who have been roped into this financial quagmire are basketball legend Shaquille O’Neal and tennis superstar Naomi Osaka. These athletes and several others had previously promoted FTX’s platform, boosting its visibility and credibility in the market. The advisers have meticulously reviewed payments made to these celebrities to ascertain if these transactions fall under specific rules that allow companies to reverse transactions made shortly before filing for Chapter 11.

It’s not just individual athletes who are under the microscope. Major sports entities, including Major League Baseball teams, National Basketball Association teams, and even Formula 1, have been mentioned in the court documents. Although not exhaustive, these revelations provide the most comprehensive insight into how FTX leveraged the star power of these athletes and organizations to elevate its brand presence in the competitive crypto market.

The nature of the transactions

The disclosures made by FTX provide a clearer picture of the nature of these transactions. Many payments made to athletes, teams, and leagues are described as prepayments. These were primarily related to advertising or sponsorship deals between the parties. Given the promotional nature of these transactions, the question arises: Can they be legally reversed?

The rules surrounding Chapter 11 filings are complex. Under certain circumstances, companies can reverse transactions that took place shortly before the filing. This is typically to prevent fraudulent transfers or to reclaim assets that can be used to pay off creditors. However, whether these rules apply to FTX’s payments to athletes and teams remains to be seen.

The road ahead: Recovery and repercussions

The current situation leaves many questions unanswered. Whether FTX’s advisers believe that all payments can be fully recovered remains unclear. Furthermore, there’s no information available on whether any of the athletes or teams have taken the initiative to return the payments they received. The implications of this investigation are significant. If FTX reverses these transactions, it could set a precedent for other companies in similar situations. On the flip side, the athletes and teams involved might face financial setbacks, not to mention potential damage to their reputations.


The FTX saga is a cautionary tale about the volatile nature of the cryptocurrency market and the risks associated with high-profile endorsements. As the legal proceedings unfold, the crypto industry, the sports world, and the general public will be keenly watching the outcomes, which could have far-reaching implications for all parties involved. This situation underscores the importance of due diligence and the unpredictable intersections of finance, technology, and celebrity endorsements. As the boundaries between these worlds continue to blur, it becomes imperative for stakeholders to tread with caution and foresight.

Source: https://www.cryptopolitan.com/ftxs-can-payment-celebrity-athletes-reversed/